Prophecy News Watch - April 13, 2016

Today's Breaking News
Around the World
Iran Blocking Congressional Access to Country, Nuke Sites
Leading members of Congress have petitioned Iranian officials to grant them entry to the country ahead of a major speech by a top Iranian diplomat scheduled to take place Friday in Washington, D.C., according to documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
Panama raids offices of Mossack Fonseca law firm
Panama's attorney general late on Tuesday raided the offices of the Mossack Fonseca law firm to search for any evidence of illegal activities, authorities said in a statement.
Italy's Parliament Votes Yes On Historic Constitutional Reform
Lawmakers in Italy have signed off on a constitutional reform program intended to stabilize the country's volatile system of government, which has historically been marked by high rates of turnover and consequent economic problems.
Islamic State numbers lowest in 2 years
The number of Islamic State fighters in Syria and Iraq is lower than at any time in the past two years, Deputy US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told a US Senate hearing on Tuesday.
U.S. Military Campaign Takes Toll on ISIS' Cash Flow
American airstrikes have killed 25,000 Islamic State fighters in Iraq and Syria and incinerated millions of dollars plundered by the militants, according to Pentagon officials.
U.S. military says using cyber capabilities against Islamic State
The U.S. military is dropping cyber bombs on Islamic State for the first time as part of a stepped-up coordinated effort that has put increasing pressure on the militant group, Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work said on Tuesday.
Soros: European Union in mortal danger
Billionaire financier George Soros has warned that the European Union is in mortal danger of collapse if it doesn't agree a massive cash injection to fix the refugee crisis.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
As Palestinians head back to the UN, cause for concern in Israel
Unlike last time Israel faced a hostile resolution at the United Nations Security Council, in December 2014, this time there is virtually no chance that it will fail to garner the required majority.
Former IDF Chief of Staff pushes PA peace deal
Israel should attempt to make a peace deal with the Palestinian Authority (PA), Former IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz stated Tuesday night, or else it will remain 'stuck.'

Inside the United States
$1.48 Trillion: Government Collects Record-High Taxes in First Half of FY 2016
Inflation-adjusted federal tax revenues hit a record $1.48 trillion for the first half of fiscal year 2016, but the federal government still ran a $461 billion deficit during that time, according to the latest monthly Treasury Department statement.
Obama rejects Supreme Court's contraception trade-off
The administration shot down the Supreme Court's effort to forge a compromise on Obamacare's contraceptive mandate, saying Tuesday that the justices' alternative proposal would set up too many hurdles for the government and insurers.
Feds resume sharing seized drug money after police quit cooperating on raids
The Department of Justice tried to make local law enforcement go cold turkey on drug money seizures but now has given in to demand for the program.
White House won't commit to declassifying secret 9/11 report
Ahead of President Obama's trip to Saudi Arabia next week, the White House sidestepped questions Tuesday about whether the president supports declassifying 28 pages omitted from a joint commission's report on the 9/11 terrorist attacks that reportedly implicate the Saudis.
Plans to Erect Temple of Baal Arch in NYC and London Cancelled
Plans to erect replicas of the Temple of Baal arch in New York City and London have been cancelled, according to Charisma News.
North Carolina governor clarifies language in controversial bathroom bill
North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory on Tuesday issued a clarification to a law prohibiting people from using the public facilities of the opposite sex, saying he had listened to feedback from constituents and was taking action to affirm and improve the state's commitment to privacy and equality.

U.S. Politics
Ryan on 2016 bid: 'Count me out'
Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Tuesday sought to slam the door on a presidential run in 2016, declaring that he will not accept the Republican nomination under any circumstances.

Christian News
Malaysia: Christian has 'Islam' removed from ID card
A Malaysian Christian raised in a family of Muslims has finally been permitted to have "Islam" removed from his identity card.
Egyptian court rules it's illegal to demolish churches
A court in Alexandria has blocked the demolition of a church, thereby setting a landmark legal precedent for every city in Egypt.
Pakistan's Schoolbooks Deliver 'Public Shaming' to Christians
Textbooks in Pakistan's public schools have become more antagonistic toward Christians and other religious minorities in the past five years, a new report says.
Islamists Close Indonesian Church Weeks after it Opened
An Islamist group in Indonesia has, in front of a local police commander, sealed off a brand new church, torn down its sign and demanded that the local mayor cancel its permit. The Santa Clara Church in Bekasi, a heavily-populated commuter city to the east of the capital, Jakarta, only opened on 7 March.
Biblical clue: Were key texts written earlier than previously thought?
Archaeologists and mathematicians in Israel have unearthed evidence that could suggest key biblical texts were composed earlier than previously thought.