Prophecy News Watch - April 8, 2016

Today's Breaking News
Around the World
US open to 'new arrangement' on Iran's missile tests
The United States suggested Thursday it was open to a “new arrangement” with Iran for peacefully resolving disputes such as Tehran'’s recent ballistic missile tests.
Number of 'Islamic State' fighters has doubled in Libya, according to US general
On Thursday, US Army General David Rodriguez, who heads Africa Command, said the 'Islamic State' (IS) had seen the number of its fighters in Libya double in the past year, reaching up to 6,000.
More migrants arrive in Turkey from Greece under EU pact
A ferry carrying 45 Pakistani migrants returned to Turkey from the Greek island of Lesbos on Friday - the second round of arrivals under a European Union deal with Ankara to stem mass migration to Europe across the Aegean Sea.
Syria's Assad shows no willingess to compromise
As the Syria peace talks resume next week, President Bashar al-Assad, backed militarily by Iran and Russia, shows no willingness to compromise, much less step aside to allow a transition Western powers claim is the solution to the conflict.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Newly Operational IDF Weapon Can Fire 18 Rockets Per Minute
One year after commencing field testing, the Israel Defense Forces on Wednesday declared that a new guided artillery rocket called the Romach ('Spear') is now operational.
Report: Hamas taps over 1,000 terror operatives to dig Gaza tunnels
Hamas employs more than 1,000 operatives to excavate underground tunnels in the Gaza Strip, Israel Radio reported Thursday.
Danon on Palestinian Security Council move: There are no shortcuts to peace
'The Palestinians must understand that there are no shortcuts,' Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon said on Thursday in reaction to reports of a Palestinian Security Council draft resolution condemning Israeli building in the West Bank and Jerusalem as an obstacle to peace.
PM: Abbas move to condemn settlements at UN will push negotiations further away
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a sharp response late Thursday night to reports that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas plans to push forward a UN Security resolution later this month condemning the settlements.

Inside the United States
Obama refuses to utter 'radical Islamic terrorism' amid 800% terror spike
From the 2009 Fort Hood shooting to the 2015 San Bernardino massacre and the recent Brussels bombings, radical Islamic terrorists have been wreaking havoc and destroying lives worldwide. In just the last five years of the Obama administration, terror deaths have increased 800 percent globally. However, as these horrifying attacks reveal the dangerous realities of the growth of radical Islam, President Obama continues to refuse to name our enemy.
Auditor: Government Will Owe More Money Than Entire Economy Produces
An auditor for the Government Accountability Office told lawmakers Wednesday that in the next few years the federal government will owe more than our entire economy produces.

U.S. Politics
Rush: GOP Wants to Steal Nomination From Trump, Cruz
The Republican establishment is still "toying with the idea" of denying the GOP presidential nomination to either Donald Trump or Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Rush Limbaugh says.
Poll: Trump popularity plummets
Donald Trump's unpopularity has reached an all-time high across a wide range of voter demographics, according to a new survey released Thursday.
The Democratic nomination fight is starting to get interesting
The drama of the Republican presidential race has overwhelmed interest in the Democratic contest. So has the virtual certainty that Hillary Clinton will be the nominee.

Christian News
Pastor of China's largest Protestant church released: Report
A U.S.-based Christian group says Chinese authorities have released the pastor of the country's largest Protestant church after he was detained for more than two months following protests against the government's removal of crosses from churches.
Rev. Graham: PayPal Hypocrite, Does Business in Countries Where Homosexual Behavior Is Illegal
In response to PayPal's decision to not open a new center in North Carolina because of the state's law against men using women's bathrooms and locker rooms, Rev. Franklin Graham said PayPal is a hypocrite and noted that PayPal does business in countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, but it decided to fault North Carolina.
Christian cross ordered off Los Angeles County seal
Restoring a tiny Christian cross to the Los Angeles County seal is unconstitutional because it places the county's power, prestige and purse behind one religion, a federal judge ruled Thursday.