Prophecy News Watch - August 14, 2024

Around the World
5.5 Magnitude Earthquake in Syria Recalls Last Year’s Devastating Tremor
Central Syria experienced a 5.5 magnitude earthquake late on Monday night, triggering locals’ memories of the devastating quake which hit northern Syria and Turkey last year, the Associated Press reports.
Germany: Lawmakers Divided Over Specifying Constitutional Protection for LGBTQ Community
Lawmakers in Germany are divided over whether to amend the country’s post-Nazi era 1949 Constitution to specify that members of the LGBTQ community cannot be discriminated against on the grounds of their sexual orientation or identity, DW reports.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
U.S. Approves Multi-Billion Dollar Arms Sale to Israel Amid Rising Tensions and Threat of Intensified Middle East Conflict
The U.S. State Department announced on Tuesday announced the approval of $20 billion in arms sales to Israel, which include numerous fighter jets and advanced air-to-air missiles. This decision comes amid heightened regional tensions following the assassinations of two prominent terrorists in Beirut and Tehran, with the "Axis of Evil" vowing retaliation for their deaths.
Israel Claims Iran is Allegedly Smuggling Weapons into Jordan to Establish a New Terror Front
Israel's Foreign Minister has accused Iran of smuggling weapons and cash through Jordan to terrorist proxies in Judea and Samaria, and of attempting to destabilize Jordan, thus establishing a new terror front along Israel's eastern border.
Palestinians Seek New UN Resolution Condemning Israel
The Palestinian Authority led by President Mahmoud Abbas is preparing a resolution against Israel’s settlements in the West Bank that it hopes will be passed at the 79th annual Session of the UN General Assembly which opens on September 10, the Jerusalem News Syndicate (JNS) reports.

Inside the United States
Pro-Palestine Protest Shuts Down LA Freeway During Peak Rush Hour
Pro-Palestine protesters shut down a major Los Angeles freeway during the height of rush hour, leading California Highway Patrol to detain several protesters.
Critics: Where’s Debt Plan as Deficit Hits $1.5 Trillion, Debt Tops $35 Trillion?
The federal deficit so far this fiscal year has already hit $1.5 trillion, the U.S. Treasury Department reported in its monthly fiscal update.
Musk Says at America’s Fork in the Road, Take Trump’s ‘Path to Prosperity’
Saying he remains more moderate and left than not, billionaire Elon Musk hosted and affirmed his endorsement of former President Donald Trump in a conversation on his social media platform.

Christian News
US Churches Face Soaring Insurance Costs
Churches across the western United States are facing soaring insurance premiums, and even potential closure, as high building costs and extreme weather, including hurricanes, wildfires, severe thunderstorms, and flooding buffet their regions, Religion News Service (RSN) reports.
Nigeria Church Destroyed By Arsonists
The governor of Nigeria’s north-central Niger state has asked residents to remain calm and cautioned against reprisal attacks after arsonists destroyed a major evangelical church building over the weekend.
Laos Pastor Killed Amid Mounting Anti-Christian Sentiments
Christian investigators say they are concerned about a series of attacks against Christians in Laos, including the recent killing of a pastor and the earlier murder of another church leader.

Worthy Insights
Israeli leader sends “end days” message to Iran: “We will build the Temple”
Moshe Feiglin, the leader of the libertarian Zionist party Zehut and an Orthodox Jew, released a video addressing Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of the Islamist regime in Iran. In the video, Feiglin warns the Ayatollah, giving a harsh Biblical message that was translated to Farsi in the subtitles.
The Fear Weapon of Imminent Threat
As Israel stands poised for an attack, the wait becomes stress-filled boredom as the leaders are bunker-protected and the populous readies their homes and families for a very REAL Iranian promised onslaught. This – being promised by 2-3 days of airborne missiles, drones, and rockets, seems to, now have inoculated the people of Israel into initiating self-affliction upon themselves. What am I talking about?