Prophecy News Watch - June 1, 2016

Today's Breaking News
Around the World
ISIS fights back after Iraqi forces surround Falluja, military says
Fierce clashes erupted between Iraqi security forces and ISIS militants on Tuesday at the southern edge of the Iraqi city of Falluja.
State Department Issues New Travel Alert for Europe
The State Department on Tuesday warned Americans traveling to Europe about risk of terror attacks over the summer.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Senate panel unanimously approves quadrupling missile defense aid to Israel
The Senate Appropriations Committee has unanimously approved an increase in spending on Israeli missile defense that is four times more than what President Barack Obama had requested.
In surprise move, Netanyahu says he's ready to negotiate based on Saudi peace initiative
Israel is prepared to hold peace talks based on the Arab Peace Initiative, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu surprisingly declared Monday just moments after new Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman took the oath of office, ending a month-long saga over which party would join Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government.
Clinton Quiet on Democratic Platform Fight Over Israel
Hillary Clinton is staying silent about whether she supports changing the Democratic Party's platform on Israel amid reports that Bernie Sanders is fighting to incorporate criticism of Israeli policies.

Inside the United States
Transgender bathroom debate likely headed to Supreme Court
The debate over whether transgender students should be able to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity is likely headed to the U.S. Supreme Court after a federal appeals court refused Tuesday to reconsider a three-judge panel's ruling on the matter.
Amid deadly floods, Texas' Brazos River crests at record 54 feet
Residents of some rural southeastern Texas counties were bracing for more flooding Tuesday along a river that had reached a record-high crest just two years after it had run dry in places because of drought.
Appeals Court Delivers Devastating Blow to Cellphone-Privacy Advocates
Courts across the country are grappling with a key question for the information age: When law enforcement asks a company for cellphone records to track location data in an investigation, is that a search under the Fourth Amendment?
Government Admits Cellphones Cause Cancer
The government just made a startling admission -- cellphones can cause cancer. After years of sidestepping the public's concern, a $25 million study conducted by the National Toxicology Program (NTP), a branch of the National Institutes of Health, found that cellphones increased the risk of two types of tumors -- gliomas, a type of cancerous brain tumor, and schwannomas, a rare tumor of the heart.

U.S. Politics
Trump's press feud boils over
Tensions between Donald Trump and the national media burst into the open Tuesday during a heated press conference at Trump Tower.
Hillary Clinton yet to hold single press conference in 2016
Hillary Clinton is 0-for-2016, having failed to hold any full press conferences this year -- fueling the perception that she is the most guarded major candidate in recent political history, in stark contrast with presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
Poll: Terror, illegal immigration drive Trump voters, 88% want wall
Republican Donald Trump has tapped into new issues like the fear of terrorism and problems of illegal immigration driving American voters who for years have focused mostly on the economy, according to a new survey that helps to identify his winning issues.
Trump: Only Dummies Believe 5 Percent Jobless Rate, It's Really 20 Percent
Donald Trump says that you'd have to be a 'dummy' to believe the government's official unemployment rate of 5 percent.

Christian News
India: Christian arrested for spreading the Gospel
Police arrested a Christian in Chhattisgarh, India, for distributing brochures printed with excerpts from the Gospel.
Vietnam: 'Accident' kills pastor, Christian convert
As Pastor Dang Ba Nham, his wife and a church elder were praying with a recent convert to Christianity along a busy roadside, a large pickup truck with military plates suddenly veered across the street and struck them.
Jan Crouch Dies at 78; Christian Leaders Send Condolences to Trinity Broadcasting Network Co-Founder's Family
Jan Crouch's death, announced by her son and Trinity Broadcasting Network Tuesday morning, has sent a flood of condolences and fond memory posts on social media, including some from well-known Christian leaders.
Saudi Arabia: Muslims Converting to Christianity Despite Persecution
Although Saudi Arabia is a predominantly Muslim country that is hostile to Christians, many in the country are converting to Christianity and receiving support for their faith online.