Prophecy News Watch - June 6, 2016

Today's Breaking News
Around the World
Islamic State Threatens Terror Attacks in U.S., Europe
The Islamic State is urging jihadists in the United States and Europe to carry out terror attacks during what a group spokesman promised would be “the month of conquest and jihad.”
Scientists grow human organs for transplant inside pigs
Scientists in the United States are trying to grow human organs inside pigs.
Europe floods: Seine River at highest level since 1982; at least 15 dead
Rising floodwaters in France set another historic level on Friday, as the Seine River swelled to its highest level in more than three decades.
11,774 Terror Attacks Worldwide in 2015; 28,328 Deaths Due to Terror Attacks
The U.S. State Department's annual Country Reports on Terrorism 2015, released on Thursday, counts 11,774 terrorist attacks in 92 countries last year, but it says that's an improvement over 2014.
Syrian army presses offensive against Islamic State
The Syrian army has crossed the boundary of Raqqa province, home to the de facto capital of Islamic State, after a major Russian-backed offensive against the militants, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Saturday.
US Pentagon chief proposes Asia-Pacific 'security network'
U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter is proposing to accelerate and deepen defense cooperation in the Asia-Pacific by expanding a 'security network' of countries whose militaries would train together and eventually operate together.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
TV report: Netanyahu ‘said yes’ to regional peace efforts in call with Kerry
In a telephone conversation with Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “said yes” to new efforts led by Egypt and Saudi Arabia for regional progress toward peace, an Israeli television report said.
200,000 Attend Pride Parade in Tel Aviv
Tens of thousands of people participated in the Pride Parade on Friday, marching through Tel Aviv in a street party that culminated with a beach party at Charles Clore Park.
World powers have duty to revive Middle East peace talks - EU
The European Union's foreign policy chief said on Friday that major powers had a duty to revive talks between Israel and Palestine and that the perspectives created by the Oslo accords in 1993 were at risk.
PA textbooks support violence and demonization of Israel, Jews, report finds
Palestinian Authority school books continue to promote violence and demonization of Israel and Jews.
Netanyahu heads to Moscow for fourth Putin parley in a year
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is heading to Moscow on Monday for a two-day trip during which he will hold his fourth meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in less than a year. The two leaders on Wednesday are expected to discuss Moscow's involvement in the Syrian civil war and its reported delivery of advanced weaponry to Iran.

Inside the United States
California moves to criminalize undercover filming at Planned Parenthood
In the wake of an undercover investigation into Planned Parenthood’s fetal parts sales, the California legislature is considering a bill that would criminalize publishing secretly recorded video footage of “health care providers.”
Obama Uses Bible, Christian Faith to Defend Transgender Bathroom Directive to Schools
President Barack Obama said that his understanding of the Bible and his Christian beliefs led him to issue the directive at public schools calling on students to be allowed to use the bathroom of their choosing regardless of their biological sex.
Congressman: Obama Admin Withholding Info About 86,000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants
The Obama administration is withholding from Congress and the American people detailed information about more than 86,000 illegal aliens who have committed serious crimes and continue to walk the streets in the United States, according to conversations with a member of Congress, who disclosed to the Washington Free Beacon that 'if the public knew about this there would be total absolute outrage' over the matter.
Tape recordings Obama wants to conceal
President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran was palmed off on the public with soothing lies about 'anytime, anywhere' inspections of the mullah's nuclear facilities; about the extent of sanctions relief Iran would enjoy; about how many centrifuges would stop spinning once the deal was in place.
94,708,000: Record Number of Americans Not in Labor Force
There were 94,708,000 Americans not participating in the labor force in May, an increase of 664,000 individuals from the previous month, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics released Friday.
IRS finally reveals list of tea party groups targeted for extra scrutiny
More than three years after it admitted to targeting tea party groups for intrusive scrutiny, the IRS has finally released a near-complete list of the organizations it snagged in a political dragnet.
U.S. Set to Approve Moon Mission by Commercial Space Venture
U.S. officials appear poised to make history by approving the first private space mission to go beyond Earth's orbit, according to people familiar with the details.
Muhammad Ali, 'The Greatest of All Time', Dead at 74
Muhammad Ali, the silver-tongued boxer and civil rights champion who famously proclaimed himself 'The Greatest' and then spent a lifetime living up to the billing, is dead.

U.S. Politics
Protests backfire as anti-American images push undecided voters to Trump
The ugly protest scenes outside Donald Trump’s rallies are doing more damage to the protesters than to Mr. Trump’s political chances, according to analysts who say the violence and anti-American sentiments are backfiring.
Clinton refuses to say owning a gun is a constitutional right
Hillary Clinton declined to say during an interview Sunday whether she believes the right to bear arms is guaranteed by the Constitution.
David French will not run as an independent for the presidency
Attorney and writer David French, who for the last week has been touted as a potential independent candidate for president, announced Sunday evening that he will not run.

Christian News
Iran: Christian prisoner has health issues
A Christian prisoner remains ill while Iranian officials refuse to transfer her to a hospital to receive the required medical care.
Nigeria: Muslim Mob kills Christian for Facebook post
Last month a Christian was killed in Nigeria after his chat on Facebook ended in an accusation of blasphemy against Islam's controversial prophet.
Franklin Graham: 'Sickening' Fort Riley Canceled Prayer Breakfast
Franklin Graham took to his Facebook page to condemn as 'sickening' Fort Riley's decision to postpone a prayer breakfast that would have featured retired Lt. General William 'Jerry' Boykin, an original member of Delta Force.
Fort Riley prayer breakfast called off; controversial retired 3-star was set to speak
A prayer breakfast at Fort Riley set for Monday as part of 1st Infantry Division's 'Victory Week' celebration has been rescheduled, and the retired three-star general who'd been invited to speak -- and whose invitation to a similar event at West Point in 2012 met with fierce opposition -- won't be asked back.