Prophecy News Watch - June 7, 2016

Today's Breaking News
Around the World
NATO alliance starts biggest military exercise amid tensions with Russia
The exercises, codenamed Anakonda-16, began Tuesday amid rising tension in the region, with Moscow warning that a NATO expansion in the east would threaten its national security.
Russia is 'paving the way' for a major re-escalation in Syria
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters Monday that Russia would provide "the most active" support to the Syrian army to keep the strategic city of Aleppo and the surrounding area from falling into the hands of "terrorists."
Istanbul bomb blast kills 11 people, wounds 36
A car bomb attack on a Turkish police bus killed 11 people, seven of them police officers, in the central Istanbul district of Vezneciler on Tuesday, Istanbul Governor Vasip Sahin told reporters near the scene.
U.S.-backed Kurds, Russia-backed Syrians advance on Raqqa in pincer movement
A U.S.-backed Kurdish-Arab alliance from the north and Russian-backed Syrian troops from the southwest are set to catch Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) in a pincer movement as they advance on the terror group's stronghold at Raqqa.
Robots will take over most jobs in the world by 2045
As we reach the middle of the 21st century, half the population of the world will lose their job to a machine. Yes, this is another 'robots will take our jobs' story.
France floods 'caused one billion euros worth of damage'
A massive mop-up is under way in France after flooding that killed four people, caused the river Seine in Paris to burst its banks, and left damage estimated at up to a billion euros .
NATO opens its biggest joint drill in Poland
Troops from over 20 countries are set to take part in the massive exercise in Poland, amid severe tensions between NATO and Moscow. The maneuvers test the alliance's ability to 'defend its eastern flank,' Warsaw said.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Arab League won't accept any changes to 2002 peace initiative, says chief
Arab League Secretary-General Nabil al-Arabi has slammed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's recent calls to introduce changes into the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative in order to reinvigorate the Israel-Palestinian peace process.
Leviathan field reserves 20% smaller than reported
The Energy Ministry has confirmed that the Leviathan offshore field has 20 percent less gas than previously reported.
Israel puts billions into multi-layer Gaza tunnel barrier
The defense establishment is expected to finish installing a state of the art counter-tunnel barrier along the Israel-Gaza Strip border within two years, Israel Hayom learned on Tuesday.
Netanyahu: We want peace, but won't divide Jerusalem
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday said that the Israeli capital of Jerusalem will never again be divided, while also reiterating his commitment to restarting peace talks with the Palestinians who, in any peace agreement, would want to see East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state.
Marking 'setback,' Abbas demands full Israeli withdrawal to '67 lines
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said Sunday that the Palestinian people will not accept anything less than a full Israeli withdrawal from territories Israel captured in the 1967 war and the establishment of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.
PA textbooks support violence and demonization of Israel, Jews, report finds
Palestinian Authority school books continue to promote violence and demonization of Israel and Jews.

Inside the United States
Washington State To Teach Transgenderism To Kindergartners
By fall 2017 Washington state public schools will begin teaching gender expression to kindergarteners under newly-approved health education learning standards that designate sexual health a “core idea” of public K-12 education.
State health officials warn Indiana residents about rise in syphilis cases
The number of syphilis cases is on the rise in Indiana. As a result, state health officials are urging health care providers to educate patients about the risks of the disease.
Record Gun Sales Continue Through May
The month of May saw yet another gun-related background check record making it the 13th month to see an all time high.
Emergency declared in Florida ahead of Tropical Storm Colin
Florida Gov. Rick Scott on Monday declared an emergency for the state ahead of Tropical Storm Colin, which was forecast to make landfall near the Panhandle in the evening.

U.S. Politics
AP: Clinton Reaches Number of Delegates Needed to Clinch Democratic Nomination
Hillary Clinton has reached the 2,383 delegate threshold to clinch the Democratic nomination for president, the Associated Press reported late Monday.
Obama endorsement of Clinton could come Wednesday
Although it's no surprise, President Obama is preparing to endorse Hillary Clinton for president, perhaps as early as this week.
Clinton clinches but Bernie defiant
Hillary Clinton was projected to clinch the Democratic nomination almost eight years to the day she abandoned her 2008 campaign against then-Sen. Barack Obama.
Trump Orders Surrogates to Intensify Criticism of Judge and Journalists
An embattled Donald Trump urgently rallied his most visible supporters to defend his attacks on a federal judge's Mexican ancestry during a conference call on Monday in which he ordered them to question the judge's credibility and impugn reporters as racists.
Protesters Assault Trump Supporters With Eggs, Bottles, Punches After Rally
Donald Trump supporters were mobbed and assaulted by protesters on Thursday night after the candidate's campaign rally in California.

Christian News
Sudan: Eritreans denied right of Asylum
Last month, Sudanese authorities deported at least 442 Eritrean refugees.
Nigeria: Muslim herdsmen kill three Christians
Muslim Fulani herdsmen killed three Christian villagers in Nigeria's Kaduna state last week.
You'll Never Guess Who's Leaving the Church the Fastest
When you look around your church on Sunday morning, you may see more women than men in the pew, but a new study shows the gender gap is closing.
Episcopal Priest: LGBTQ People Will 'Revitalize Christianity'
In a recent essay in Salon Magazine, the Reverend Elizabeth M. Edman argues for the power of 'queer virtue' to combat 'heteronormativity' and revitalize a Christianity that is too wedded to traditional ideas of human sexuality and marriage.
Only One-Third of Pastors Share 'Left Behind' End Times Theology
Most Protestant pastors believe Jesus will return in the future. But few agree about the details of the apocalypse.