Prophecy News Watch - May 9, 2016

Today's Breaking News
Around the World
Iran says it tested mid-range ballistic missile
Iran successfully tested a medium-range ballistic missile two weeks ago, a senior military planning official was quoted as saying by the Tasnim news agency on Monday.
Saudi prince: Getting nukes an option if Iran breaks deal
In a reflection of the change and churn in the Middle East, former high-level officials from Saudi Arabia and Israel -- nations that have no formal diplomatic ties -- spoke publicly about their shared sense of Iran as a threat, their differences on Palestinians and the role the United States plays in their chaotic region.
London's new Muslim mayor attends Holocaust memorial
London's newly elected Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan, attended an annual memorial to the millions of Jews slain in the Holocaust as his first official act in office on Sunday.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Hamas, Israel agree to de-escalation
A general agreement has been reached between the warring sides after tremendous mediation effort by international parties in recent days and a great number of messages exchanged via intermediaries.
Dead Sea oil reservoir ‘entirely within Israel’ says company
An Israeli company authorized to drill an oil reservoir near the Dead Sea, recently evaluated to contain NIS 1.2 billion worth of fuel, stressed Sunday that the area is located entirely inside Israel, which it said was a response to Arab media reports that the site stretched into Palestinian territory.

Inside the United States
Lawmakers, advocates push to reveal extent of surveillance
Even though the bulk collection of Americans' telephone records has ended, calls and emails are still being swept up by U.S. surveillance work targeting foreigners. Congress is making a renewed push to find out how many.
White House official admits fudging of facts to sell Iran deal
A senior official in the Obama administration acknowledged that the background to nuclear talks with Iran was misrepresented in order to sell the impression of a more moderate Iranian regime and thus gain greater American public support for an agreement.
Army shrinks to smallest level since before World War II
The Army's latest headcount shows that nearly 2,600 soldiers departed active service in March without being replaced, an action that plunges manning to its lowest level since before World War II.
Kerry slams Trump's wall, tells grads to prepare for 'borderless world'
Secretary of State John Kerry took a shot at Donald Trump during his Friday commencement speech at Northeastern University, by saying no wall is big enough to keep dangerous terrorists out of the United States.
50% of Teens Say They're 'Addicted' to Their Phones
Last week, the nonprofit Common Sense Media released the findings of a new poll on mobile device usage and family conflict. Of over 1,200 parents and teenagers surveyed, 50% of teens said they 'feel addicted' to their mobile devices.
Swarm of earthquakes strikes Mount St. Helens
In the past eight weeks, more than 130 small earthquakes have trembled beneath the surface of Mount St. Helens.

U.S. Politics
Donald Trump breaks the GOP
It was as shocking as it was predictable after a year of slow-motion buildup -- the dramatic splitting apart of the Grand Old Party in the 72 hours after Donald Trump became its presumptive nominee.
Trump: 'Taxes for the rich will go up somewhat'
Donald Trump says taxes on the wealthy could increase if he's elected president, and that he supports an increase in the minimum wage. Both positions are departures from where Trump stood in the GOP presidential primary.

Christian News
Nigeria to criminalize 'street evangelism'?
Street evangelists could be fined and pastors sent to jail under new legislation proposed by the Muslim governor of Kaduna state, Nigeria.
Franklin Graham Blasts NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio's Chick-fil-A Boycott Call as Intolerant Bullying
The Rev. Franklin Graham has strongly condemned Mayor Bill de Blasio's call for a boycott of popular fast-food chain Chick-fil-A, which is opening a new location in the New York City borough of Queens, just because its Christian owners believe in the biblical definition of marriage.