Prophecy News Watch provided by Worthy Ministries

Prophecy News Watch is a service hosted by Worthy Ministries to provide Christians daily news from a Biblical, and yet Prophetic worldview. Our news is gathered by our Christian News Service, Worthy News. For more about our vision for how we assemble our daily headlines, please read, "What is Worthy News?"

Today's Breaking News
Around the World
Japan's Abe points to 2008 crisis as G7 leaders debate global risk
Group of Seven leaders voiced concern about emerging economies on Thursday as their host, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, made a pointed comparison to the global financial crisis eight years ago.
Muslim mob attacks Christian homes in Egyptian province
The Coptic Christian church says a Muslim mob has ransacked and torched seven Christian homes in a province south of Cairo after rumors spread that a Christian man had an affair with a Muslim woman.
11 injured in 3rd night of clashes over squat in Barcelona
Police say 11 people were injured in a third consecutive night of clashes with protesters supporting squatters in Spain's northeastern city of Barcelona.
France: Day of strikes, protests, fuel blockades over labor
Union activists are burning tires and blocking a major bridge on the northern French coast on a day of nationwide strikes and protests over a labor reform.
Obama Admin: U.S. Stopped Sanctioning Iranian Human Rights Abusers After Nuke Deal
The Obama administration has not designated a single Iranian as a human rights abuser since finalizing last summer's comprehensive nuclear agreement, despite rising abuse in the Islamic Republic, including state-sanctioned killings and the imprisonment of opposition figures.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Palestinian PM denies report of planned Israel-Egypt-PA summit
Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah on Tuesday denied reports of a planned tripartite meeting between Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
US: Lieberman appointment raises 'legitimate questions' about Israeli policy
US State Department spokesman Mark Toner said the opposition of some Israeli cabinet ministers to a Palestinian state alongside Israel raised 'legitimate questions' about the direction of Israeli policy but he said the United States would judge the new government based on its actions.
Fighting terrorists with technology
Suspect Detections Systems Ltd. (SDS) developed the COGITO System, which incorporates various sensors to detect nervousness by identifying increased salt levels in perspiration, an increase in sweat production, pressure in the veins, and thermal changes in the face.
IAF strikes Hamas targets after rockets launched into Israel
In response to rocket fire launched towards Israel late Wednesday night, the Israeli Air Force attacked two locations that were part of Hamas' terror infrastructure in the Gaza Strip.
Hezbollah says it is digging tunnels 'to make Israeli enemy lose sleep'
The Lebanese Shi'ite movement Hezbollah said on Wednesday that it was digging tunnels along the border with Israel.
Facial profiling: Israeli start-up says its tech can detect terrorists from just looking at a face
Israeli start-up Faception is claiming it can spot terrorists by simply analyzing their faces and says it is working with 'a leading Homeland Security Agency' to identify potential threats.
Entering Knesset, Temple Mount activist brushes off doomsday predictions
For a man shot point-blank four times in 2014 by a Palestinian gunman who branded him the 'enemy of Al-Aqsa,' incoming Likud MK and Temple Mount activist Yehuda Glick is remarkably dismissive of any connection between his vocal advocacy of Jewish prayer at Judaism's holy site and Palestinian terrorism.

Inside the United States
Microchipping your children could happen 'sooner rather than later,' NBC reports
We don't think twice about having the vet put microchips in our dogs and cats if they can help reunite a missing pet with its family. But how willing would you be to have a microchip embedded in your children in this age of Amber alerts?
Eleven states sue Obama administration over transgender bathroom guidance
Eleven states filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against the Obama administration to challenge its federal guidance on how schools should accommodate transgender students.
Lawmakers Seek to Strip Religious Freedom Act of Its Protections
Lawmakers in Congress are seeking to gut the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, a move that's causing concern over the future of American religious liberties.
Ryan Says House Republicans Aim to End 'Executive Overreach'
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) unveiled what he called the Republicans' 'policy agenda' for 2017 on Wednesday, including a plan to regain the legislative power granted to Congress in Article One of the U.S. Constitution.
S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley signs 20-week abortion ban bill into law
South Carolina became the 17th state to ban abortions after the 20-week mark Wednesday when Gov. Nikki Haley, a Republican, signed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act into law.
Fed: Nearly half in U.S. would have trouble with emergency $400 expense
Nearly half of Americans would have trouble covering an emergency $400 expense, according to a new survey released Wednesday by the Federal Reserve.
Hawaii Might Become First State to Register Gun Owners in FBI Database
Hawaii could begin enrolling gun owners into a federal database that would alert authorities if a resident is arrested in another state, making it the first state to do so.
Approving Food Stamps Costs the Economy $1 Billion
Meeting the federal government's regulatory requirements for approving food stamps will now cost the economy $1 billion annually, according to a new report.
Obama administration officials warn lawmakers over Iran sanctions
Obama administration officials told U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday they would oppose new sanctions on Iran if they interfere with last year's international nuclear agreement, laying the groundwork for a potential fight over any legislation.

U.S. Politics
Clinton broke rules with secret server
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did break her department’s rules by setting up her own secret email server, the inspector general concluded in a report sent to Congress on Wednesday that says she failed to report hacking attempts and waved off warnings that she should switch to a more official email account.
Why the Libertarian Party convention matters
The contested convention that could provide conservatives with someone to vote for in November besides Donald Trump is finally here.

Christian News
Vietnamese pastor's wife mistreated, beaten
Earlier this month, the wife of an imprisoned pastor suffered severe mistreatment at the hands of Vietnamese authorities.
Christian School a Target of Liberal Efforts for LGBT Laws
Due to federal policy changes, private Christian schools may soon have serious decisions to make.
Texas Pastor Dies in Car Crash Hours after Graduating Bible College
A Texas pastor and his three sons were killed in a car crash just hours after he graduated from Bible college. The pastor's wife and daughter also sustained serious injuries.
3 Christians Arrested in India and Accused of 'Forced Conversions'
Three evangelical Christians have been arrested in India and accused of 'forced conversions' and blaspheming against Hinduism.
Today's Breaking News
Around the World
Khamenei: US ‘can’t do a thing’ about our missile program
Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei on Monday said the United States cannot “do a thing” about the Islamic Republic’s ballistic missile program.
U.S.-backed Syrian alliance launches new attack near Islamic State capital
A U.S.-backed alliance of Syrian militias launched a new offensive against Islamic State fighters near their de facto capital of Raqqa city on Tuesday, a monitoring group and an official said.
Hardliner named to head group that will pick Khamenei's successor
Iran's Assembly of Experts which is responsible for electing and overseeing the work of Iran's supreme leader has chosen hard-liner Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati as its leader.
Bloomberg News: The Secret History of the Iran-Deal 'Echo Chamber'
A network of advocates, experts and messaging specialists the White House says helped it sell the Iran nuclear deal in 2015 actually began to campaign for such an accord four years earlier, before the real negotiations started.
Kurdish forces launch major attack on capital city of ISIL's 'caliphate'
A force of 50,000 Kurdish and Arab fighters have launched a major offensive aimed at driving Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) from its de facto 'capital' of Raqqa, Syria.
Trans Adriatic Pipeline to cut Europe's reliance on Russia for natural gas
If it goes as its backers hope, a newly inaugurated pipeline crossing a half-dozen countries will shore up natural gas supplies in Europe and reduce the Continent's worrying dependence on Russia as its critical supplier.
Blair says defeating Islamic State needs 'proper ground war'
The Islamic State group will be defeated only with a ground war involving Western troops, former British prime minister Tony Blair said Tuesday.
Iran 'Blackmailing' U.S. for Greater Nuke Concessions
The Obama administration is taking steps to aid and please Iran far beyond U.S. commitments under last summer's nuclear accord, according to experts, who warned Tuesday during testimony on Capitol Hill that the White House is becoming 'dangerously close to becoming Iran's trade promotion and business development authority.'

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Egypt seeks to advance own Israeli-Palestinian peace initiaitve
While France has pushing for an international peace summit in Paris in an effort to restart negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, Egypt has been working behind the scenes on its own diplomatic initiative.
Coalition deal reached in overnight negotiations, signing expected today
Representatives of the Likud, Yisrael Beytenu and the Finance Ministry reached an agreement overnight that will enable a signing ceremony on a new coalition deal that was expected to take place on Wednesday morning.
Hamas Plans 13 Public Executions in Gaza Strip
Authorities in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip plan to publicly execute more than a dozen criminals in the coastal enclave, the top judicial figure in the territory said on Sunday.
Palestinian Authority Media Glorify Murderer of U.S. Army Veteran
Official Palestinian Authority media glorified an attacker who murdered 29-year-old U.S. Army veteran Taylor Force and wounded nearly a dozen others in Israel earlier this year.

Inside the United States
State Department sets new single-day record for Syrian refugee approvals
The State Department admitted 80 Syrian refugees on Tuesday and 225 on Monday, setting a single-day record, as President Obama tries to meet his target of 10,000 approvals this year — renewing fears among security analysts who say the administration is cutting corners to meet a political goal.
Judge Rules in California's Open-Bathrooms Fight
President Obama's open-bathrooms campaign already has been taken to court by the state of North Carolina, civil and religious rights organizations, the Alliance Defending Freedom and several schools.
New York City Lets You Choose From 31 Different Gender Identities
Individuals living in New York City can choose from a minimum of 31 different gender identities, many of which allow them to fluctuate between some version or combination of male or female identities.
Season Approaches: U.S. Hits Record 127 Months Since Major Hurricane Strike
With hurricane season set to start next week, Tuesday marks a record 127 months since a major hurricane has made landfall in the continental United States, according to statistics compiled by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Hurricane Research Division, which keeps data on all the hurricanes that have struck the U.S. since 1851.
Justice to seek death penalty against Charleston church shooter
Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced Tuesday that the Justice Department would seek the death penalty against Dylann Roof, the suspect in the 2015 shooting at a Charleston, S.C., church.
Obama threatens to veto House D.C. budget bill
The White House is threatening to veto a House bill that would block the District of Columbia government from spending local tax dollars without approval from Congress.
Republicans Take Steps to Impeach IRS Commissioner
Republicans have launched an effort to impeach IRS Commissioner John Koskinen due to alleged misconduct, including failing to comply with a congressional subpoena and allowing emails to be destroyed.

U.S. Politics
Vast majority of GOP lawmakers back Donald Trump
The vast majority of Republicans in both houses of Congress are backing Donald Trump for president, provided that they don't have to use the word "endorse" or call the presumptive Republican nominee by name.
Trump super PAC predicts raising $1 billion
A super PAC supporting Donald Trump for president expects to raise $1 billion for the presumptive Republican presidential candidate, according to a statement released late Tuesday.
Trump wins Washington primary despite delegate dilemma
Donald Trump easily won the Washington primary Tuesday on his way to a likely Republican presidential nomination, with all his opponents on the ballot now out of the race.
Hillary Clinton wins Washington primary
Hillary Clinton won the Democratic primary in Washington state Tuesday, though she technically got no closer to becoming the party's 2016 presidential nominee.

Christian News
Iranian agents detain Christian leaders
Earlier this month, agents from Iran's Ministry of Security raided the homes of Christian leaders in the city of Rasht.
Egypt: Church tent burned down
The tent where an Egyptian Christian congregation had met was set afire and completely destroyed this month by Islamist arsonists.
Franklin Graham: Target CEO in Denial as Stocks Tank $10B Over Transgender Bathroom Policy
The Rev. Franklin Graham says Target CEO Brian Cornell is in denial over the reason for the company's plunging stock prices, insisting that the conservative boycott against the retailer's transgender bathroom policies is playing a key role.
Today's Breaking News
Around the World
EU Appoints Special Envoy for Religious Freedom
Due to mounting abuses of religious minorities, especially by ISIS, the European Commission created a new position to promote freedom of religion.
State admits: Syria cease-fire at risk of 'complete breakdown'
The State Department admitted Monday that the cease-fire in Syria brokered by the U.S. and Russia is at risk of falling apart, given the absence of any sign that Russia is working with Syria's government to stop the violence.
Wild U.S. election fascinates, worries Iran after nuclear deal
After decades of officially-imposed detachment from the 'Great Satan,' Iranians are this time transfixed by the wild U.S. presidential campaign, mindful that the next White House occupant could have direct impact on their lives.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
IDF reveals defense strategy for first time in 60 years
IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot's decision to make the document public is considered highly unusual, as it affords a rare glimpse into Israel's defense doctrine for the first time since the 1950s, when then-Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion approved the principles of the military's defense strategy.
Knesset passes law against human cloning for next 4 years
Human cloning will be illegal until 2020, after a law prohibiting the practice - should the technology become available - passed a final vote Monday night.
Palestinians reject Netanyahu's call for direct Paris talks
The Palestinians on Monday rejected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's call to hold direct talks in Paris under the auspices of the French government.

Inside the United States
Oklahoma governor vetoes bill criminalizing performing abortions
Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin vetoed a sweeping and unprecedented measure Friday that would have made performing an abortion a felony punishable by prison time, saying the bill was vague and would not be able to withstand a criminal constitutional challenge.
Record 499 Syrian Refugees Admitted to US So Far in May Includes No Christians
The Obama administration has admitted 499 Syrian refugees so far this month, with no Christians among them.
Obama Appoints Transgender Activist to Faith-Based Advisory Council
President Barack Obama has named a transgender woman to the President's Advisory Council on Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships.
Baltimore police officer acquitted in Freddie Gray death
Baltimore police officer Edward Nero was acquitted on Monday of all charges in the 2015 death of black detainee Freddie Gray, the second setback for prosecutors in a case that triggered rioting and fueled the Black Lives Matter movement.
GOP duo touts Obamacare state opt-out plan
A pair of Republican lawmakers touted a health care plan Monday that would let states opt out of Obamacare, rather than repealing it outright, and deploy a program that uses a uniform tax credit to help Americans get insured.
Congress revives debate over national security, limits of 'incidental' snooping
Privacy and national security analysts sparred Tuesday over suggestions to further limit law enforcement access to Americans' phone calls and emails that are swept up as part of the National Security Agency's surveillance of foreigners' communications.
Poll: Over 90% of shooters, anglers, plan to vote
The 67 million Americans who hunt, shoot and fish are preparing to vote in record numbers in November, potentially giving them the key to the election.
April Sets FY2016 Alien Apprehension Record, Surges Past FY2014 Numbers
The recent surge of illegal aliens flooding across the Southwest U.S. border continues undeterred as U.S. Customs and Border Protection set a new FY2016 apprehension record in April, catching a grand total of 38,135 illegal aliens over the 30-day period - an average of about 1,271 per day.
Facebook admits rogue employees may have shown bias against conservatives
Facebook announced Monday it was sending employees out for retraining and would discontinue some of its practices as it sought to defend itself against charges of political bias against conservatives.
Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe under federal investigation for campaign contributions
Virginia Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe is the subject of an ongoing investigation by the FBI and prosecutors from the Justice Department's public integrity unit, U.S. officials briefed on the probe say.
Sanders: Democratic Convention Could Be 'Messy'
Bernie Sanders predicted Monday that the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia could be 'messy' as he pushed the party to adopt his progressive agenda, but added, 'Democracy is not always nice and quiet and gentle.'

U.S. Politics
Clinton declines Calif. debate
Hillary Clinton is declining to debate rival Bernie Sanders in California, ahead of the state's June 7 primary.
Evangelical leaders to quiz Trump on faith and values
Donald Trump has agreed to meet privately with some of the nation's most prominent Evangelical leaders - a meeting seen as critical to garnering support from social conservatives, Fox News has learned.

Christian News
Pastors, Church Shocked After 2 Ministers Arrested in Human Trafficking Sting
Two pastors left their churches in shock after the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation announced Friday that they were among 32 men arrested for patronizing prostitution and human trafficking charges.
Iraqi-American lawyer facing prison for immigration fraud claims he was targeted for aiding Christians
In the Iraqi-American Christian community, he is revered as an activist who delivered thousands from persecution at the hands of Muslim extremists, but in the U.S. halls of justice, Robert DeKelaita is regarded as a criminal who helped clients lie to get asylum.