Prophecy News Watch provided by Worthy Ministries

Prophecy News Watch is a service hosted by Worthy Ministries to provide Christians daily news from a Biblical, and yet Prophetic worldview. Our news is gathered by our Christian News Service, Worthy News. For more about our vision for how we assemble our daily headlines, please read, "What is Worthy News?"

Today's Breaking News
Around the World
France cracks down on Islamic radicalism after Paris attacks, shutters mosques
France is once again responding to a Paris slaughter at the hands of Islamic radicals by trying to root out extremism entrenched in its growing Muslim population.
Scientists: Subtle Seismic Activity Hints at Predicting Large Quakes
The ability to accurately predict earthquakes is a holy grail of geology. Now, a group of researchers says it has found a previously unrecognized pattern just before larger earthquakes, observed with the devastating magnitude-9.0 tremor in northeastern Japan in 2011.
Russian Fighter Conducts Dangerous Intercept of U.S. Recon Jet
A Russian Su-27 jet fighter came within 20 feet of a U.S. RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft over the Black Sea on Monday in Moscow's latest military provocation involving dangerous aerial encounters.
Yemen conflict: Saudi-led coalition targeting civilians, UN says
The Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthi rebel movement in Yemen has targeted civilians with air strikes in a 'widespread and systematic' manner, a leaked UN report says.
Iraq's Mosul dam could face catastrophic collapse - top US general
The US military has a contingency plan to deal with a potential collapse of Mosul dam in northern Iraq which would be catastrophic, the top US general in Iraq said on Thursday.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Israel's electrical grid attacked in massive cyber attack
As Israelis cranked up their heaters during the current cold snap, the Public Utility Authority was attacked by one of the largest cyber assaults that the country has experienced, Minister of Infrastructure, Energy and Water Yuval Steinitz said on Tuesday.
Settlers tell Netanyahu: Block Palestinian media broadcasts
Yesha Council head Avi Roeh on Tuesday wrote to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, calling on him, Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon and Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan to block official Palestinian media broadcasts.
Obama Administration Orders Labeling of Israeli Goods
A memo issued earlier this month by the Obama administration directs the U.S. 'trade community' and government partner agencies to explicitly label Israeli-made goods that have been produced in the West Bank.

Inside the United States
Satanists to give prayer at city council meeting
Members of a satanic group are set to give the prayer at an upcoming meeting of the Phoenix City Council, triggering a debate about religious freedom and whether such a display is appropriate for the venue.
FBI releases video of fatal Oregon occupier shooting
The FBI released video footage Thursday night that shows an officer-involved shooting of a man who had been part of a federal land occupy movement near Burns, Ore.
Officials confirm at least 6 cases of Zika in US residents
At least six U.S. residents have tested positive for the Zika virus, with officials in New York, Arkansas and Virginia confirming cases in each state.a

U.S. Politics
Cruz, Rubio tensions flare at Trump-less GOP debate
Tensions between Republican presidential hopefuls Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio erupted over immigration and more Thursday night during the Fox News/Google debate, as the campaigns tried to put aside their battles with front-runner Donald Trump -- "the elephant not in the room” who chose to boycott -- and focus on the issues, and their Democratic rivals.
Analysis: Sanders' $13.6 trillion tax hike would cost 6 million jobs
Bernie Sanders' ambitious plans to raise revenues for new government programs would increase taxes by $13.6 trillion and cost the economy 6 million jobs by slowing growth, according to a new analysis released Thursday.
Trump says Fox apologized, Fox says Trump sought $5M donation
Donald Trump said someone from Fox News called him and apologized to him for riling him up and prompting him to blow off Thursday night's Republican debate, but said by then, it was too late to return to the debate.
Rubio talks up faith in Iowa appeal
Marco Rubio denied he is the savior of the Republican Party at the Iowa GOP debate Thursday, but took every opportunity to emphasize his Christian faith.

Christian News
Turkish textbooks encourage intolerance
Theoretically, Turkey allows non-Muslims to be exempted from compulsory religious education if their religion is on record with the state. But parents have complained that some schools have refused to allow their children to be exempted.
Today's Breaking News
Around the World
Iran warns U.S. warship to leave waters near Strait of Hormuz
Iran's navy warned a U.S. warship on Wednesday to leave waters in the sea of Oman near an area where the Islamic Republic was performing military drills.
Sweden 'to expel up to 80,000 failed asylum-seekers'
The authorities in Sweden are making plans to expel as many as 80,000 failed asylum-seekers, the interior minister was quoted as saying.
Iran poised to make billions off country's vast mineral wealth
Iran is poised to become one of the richest countries in the world -- and its potential for profit goes far beyond oil.
North Korea preparing long-range missile launch, officials say
North Korea is prepared to launch a long-range missile at any time in the wake of its fourth nuclear test, officials in Seoul said.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
'It's not clear if the Holocaust is a reality or not,' Iran's supreme leader says
Iran's supreme leader on Wednesday once again repeated provocative assertions about the Holocaust, defying the world on a day that it paused to remember the victims of the Nazi genocide in Europe.

Inside the United States
Hundreds of DHS badges, guns, cell phones lost or stolen since 2012
Hundreds of badges, credentials, cell phones and guns belonging to Department of Homeland Security employees have been lost or stolen in recent years -- raising serious security concerns about the potential damage these missing items could do in the wrong hands.
Court Weighs Practice of Christian Prayers at Meetings
A federal appeals court wrestled on Wednesday with whether local government leaders in North Carolina are violating the Constitution by holding exclusively Christian prayers at their meetings -- the first time a court at that level has addressed the issue since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a town government's favor in a similar case in 2014.
Officials confirm at least 6 cases of Zika in US residents
At least six U.S. residents have tested positive for the Zika virus, with officials in New York, Arkansas and Virginia confirming cases in each state.a
Special Ops Commander Demands Pentagon Stop Exposing Operations
President Obama's nominee to head U.S. Central Command recently penned a memo to Defense Secretary Ash Carter demanding that the Pentagon stop discussing the operations of elite American troops.
Report: Ammon Bundy Asks Followers to Leave Oregon Refuge
The leader of a month-long armed occupation of a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon urged remaining protesters on Wednesday to leave the site and go home, a day after his arrest and the death of a supporter.

U.S. Politics
Pew: GOP Voters like Trump, See Him as Not Religious
Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is seen as not as religious as other Republican candidates, but most Republicans think he could be a good president anyway, a new nationwide poll found on Wednesday.
Trump won't participate in Fox debate
Republican front-runner Donald Trump's campaign said Tuesday he will not participate in the upcoming GOP presidential debate in Des Moines.

Christian News
Wife of Saeed Abedini Files Domestic Relations Case
Nagmeh Abedini filed a domestic relations case against her husband Pastor Saeed Abedini on Tuesday, citing abuse as the reason for their broken marriage.
Falwell Decision to Back Trump Angers Evangelical Leaders
Evangelical leader Jerry Falwell, Jr. is officially endorsing Donald Trump for president and other Christian leaders are not happy with his decision.
Evangelical leaders divided over Republican field
The spirited fight for the evangelical vote is in full swing -- but faith leaders remain sharply divided over who to support ahead of Monday's Republican presidential caucuses in Iowa.
Today's Breaking News
Around the World
US says prepared for military solution against ISIS in Syria
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said Saturday that the United States and Turkey were prepared for a military solution against Islamic State in Syria should the Syrian government and rebels fail to reach a political settlement.
Islamic State setting up terror training camps in Europe, police agency warns
Terror group Isil has set up secret training camps across Europe to prepare fighters to carry out 'special forces style' attacks in the UK or other EU countries, Europol has warned.
Pope Francis meets Iranian president Rouhani to promote cooperation, nuke deal, religious freedom
For the first time in nearly 20 years, the pope and the president of Iran met face-to-face on Tuesday to discuss significant matters that affect both leaders in today's evolving geopolitical and religious landscape.
New documentary on Saudi royal family centers on sex, drugs and murder
A new documentary based on the account of an ex-wife of the late Saudi King Fahd bin Abdulaziz al-Saud portrays a lurid story of the royal Saudi family, centered on drugs, sex, gambling, corruption and murder, according to Internet publication earlier this week.
Khamenei: God delivered US sailors into our hands
Iran's supreme leader said divine forces had delivered American sailors into the hands of his country's naval forces.
ISIS Has Whole Fake Passport 'Industry,' Official Says
The terror group ISIS has created a whole 'industry' out of the production of fake passports, a high-level French official said today.
ISIS planning 'special forces-style' attacks in Europe, report says
Europe should be prepared for more of the ruthless and coordinated attacks that ISIS carried out in Paris last year, officials say. The militant group is planning more large-scale, 'special forces-style' assaults that don't even necessarily need to be coordinated from Syria.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
IDF preparing for possible war on northern, Gaza borders
According to IDF estimations, the likelihood of Israel initiating a war in the next year remains low, both due to the turmoil in the Middle East which is keeping many of Israel's enemies busy, and because of Israel's current deterrence abilities. Even so, the likelihood of a severe incident leading to an escalation and even a war has increased, and is being described by the IDF as 'moderate.' This is due to the tension along Israel's borders, especially the ones in the north and near the Gaza Strip.
Canada to send 'tough message' on violence to ally Israel
Canada's new Liberal government said on Monday it was delivering a 'tough message' to Israel as a good friend after expressing concern about Israeli-Palestinian violence, Israeli settlements and unilateral Palestinian moves.
PA threatens to force Israel to withdraw from Judea and Samaria
The Palestinian Authority (PA) on Monday blasted Israel for its 'settlement attack' and threatened to force a withdrawal from Judea and Samaria on Israel.
Israeli economy experienced deflation in 2015
The Israeli economy is experiencing major deflation, the latest figures showed, with prices falling by one percent in 2015.
Netanyahu accuses Ban Ki-moon of 'encouraging terror'
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has strongly condemned remarks made by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, in which the UN chief expressed sympathy for Palestinian terrorist attacks.

Inside the United States
Planned Parenthood-linked prosecutor fuels bias charges over pro-life indictments
Pro-life groups cried foul over Monday's criminal indictments against two Center for Medical Progress investigators because a prosecutor in the Harris County District Attorney's office is also a Planned Parenthood board member.
1 dead, Bundy brothers arrested as Oregon standoff ends in gunfight
One Oregon militant is dead and six have been arrested after FBI and Oregon State Police officials pulled over their vehicles Tuesday following a three-week stand-off at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
Signs of return to normalcy in snow-bound Washington
Washington limped back to life Tuesday after the blizzard that blanketed the US East Coast, with public transport service improving, warmish weather aiding snow clean-up operations and city schools scheduled to reopen.

U.S. Politics
Trump won't participate in Fox debate
Republican front-runner Donald Trump's campaign said Tuesday he will not participate in the upcoming GOP presidential debate in Des Moines.
Clinton Explains How Christianity Has Guided Her Politics
In an unusual meditation on her Christian faith, Hillary Clinton told a small crowd in rural Iowa on Monday afternoon how her belief in God has helped guide her politics and criticized those who use Christianity to 'condemn so quickly' and 'judge so harshly.'
GOP donors start anti-Trump barrage
A super PAC aimed at stopping Donald Trump is putting its money where the Republican Party's mouth has been for months. The ad, which focuses on Trump's liberal positions of the past and of the present, dovetails with a recent television and online barrage from groups supporting Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.
Cruz, allies launch anti-Trump ad blitz in bid to reclaim Iowa lead
Ted Cruz is mounting an aggressive effort to regain his Iowa lead, joining backers in an ad blitz against front-runner Donald Trump that casts him as an out-of-touch liberal, while Trump barnstorms the state to make final arguments before Monday's caucuses.

Christian News
Kenya to institute repressive religious regulations
Pastors are opposing new government regulations aimed at 'gagging and muzzling' the Christians in Kenya.
Noah's Ark Park Wins Court Battle Over Tourism Tax Incentive
A religious group building a massive Noah's Ark tourist attraction in Kentucky has won a legal battle over the state's withdrawal of a potential tax incentive worth millions.
Rubio Not Only Candidate With 'Billy Graham' Evangelicals, Cruz Campaign Says
Republican U.S. presidential candidates Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Rick Santorum pray at the Presidential Family Forum in Des Moines, Iowa November 20, 2015.
Christian pastor Saeed Abedini breaks silence after being freed in prisoner swap with Iran
The Christian pastor who was freed in a prisoner swap with Iran described his harrowing experience Monday in an 'On The Record' exclusive with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren.