Prophecy News Watch provided by Worthy Ministries

Prophecy News Watch is a service hosted by Worthy Ministries to provide Christians daily news from a Biblical, and yet Prophetic worldview. Our news is gathered by our Christian News Service, Worthy News. For more about our vision for how we assemble our daily headlines, please read, "What is Worthy News?"

Today's Breaking News
Around the World
EU Referendum: Massive swing to Brexit – with just 12 days to go
The campaign to take Britain out of the EU has opened up a remarkable 10-point lead over the Remain camp, according to an exclusive poll for The Independent.
Russia warns of 'retaliatory measures' after U.S. deploys warship to Black Sea
Russia’s foreign ministry on Friday said it would retaliate after a U.S. naval destroyer deployed to the Black Sea this week.
CIA chief believes release of 9/11 documents will clear Saudi Arabia
CIA Director John Brennan said in an interview with a Saudi Arabian television station Sunday that he expects the 28 classified pages of a U.S. congressional report into the Sept. 11 attacks to absolve Saudi Arabia of responsibility.
Scientists just confirmed there's a second layer of information hidden in our DNA
Theoretical physicists have confirmed that it's not just the information coded into our DNA that shapes who we are - it's also the way DNA folds itself that controls which genes are expressed inside our bodies.
Doctor's Plan for Full-Body Transplants Raises Doubts Even in Daring China
Six years ago, Wang Huanming was paralyzed from the neck down after being injured wrestling with a friend. Today, he hopes he has found the answer to walking again: a new body for his head.
Brexit 'disastrous' for EU global role, analysts warn
Experts say losing UN Security Council permanent member like Britain would likely diminish the European bloc's influence.
Big hit! Renowned scientist's video shows God exists
A video in which a renowned scientist explains that the 'music of strings resonating through 11 dimensional hyperspace ... is the mind of God' remains in super viral status years after it first was posted online.
Under My Skin: The New Frontier Of Digital Implants
'Biohackers' are putting microchips and magnets in their bodies for everything from unlocking the front door to detecting moon earthquakes.
Russian Top Secret Hypersonic Glider Can Penetrate Any Missile Defense
Russia's new Yu-74 ultra-maneuverable hypersonic glide vehicles may become yet another response to the deployment of NATO's missile installations in Eastern Europe, according to military analysts.
Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' suddenly seems to be popular again
Few would have imagined that Hitler's autobiography 'Mein Kampf' would become a bestseller in the 21st century again. But that's exactly what happened earlier this year with the expiration of a German state copyright that had been used to prohibit reprinting of the book.
Al Qaeda leader pledges allegiance to new Taliban leader
Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri, in an online audio message, pledged allegiance to the new head of the Afghan Taliban, who was appointed last month after his predecessor was killed in a US drone strike.
Libyan forces claim port in Islamic State stronghold of Sirte
Forces aligned with Libya's unity government said on Friday they had taken control of the port of Sirte, making further gains in Islamic State's North African stronghold.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Israel chief rabbi urges rebuilding Jerusalem temple
The Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, David Lau, said he would like to see the Jewish temple rebuilt on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Greece will soon recognize Palestinian state, ruling party says
The Greek government will soon officially recognize the state of Palestine, the country's ruling Syriza party told Palestinian lawmakers on Saturday, the Palestinian Legislative Council said in a statement.
Hamas and Fatah to hold talks in Qatar
Hamas and Fatah will hold new reconciliation talks in the Qatari capital of Doha next week, the Ma'an news agency reported Friday, citing a statement by Fatah Central Committee member Azzam al-Ahmad.

Inside the United States
Obama Ignores Radical Islamic Terrorism Connection, Calls for Gun Control
President Barack Obama reacted to the news of the mass shooting at an Orlando gay nightclub on Sunday, referring to the attacks as “an act of terror and an act of hate.”
ACLU lawyers blame 'Christian right,' GOP for Orlando terrorist attack
Christian conservatives are responsible for the mass shooting at a gay bar in Orlando because they 'created this anti-queer climate,' according to American Civil Liberties Union attorneys.
Omar Mateen, Terrorist Who Attacked Orlando Gay Club, Had Been Investigated by FBI
Omar Mateen of Port Saint Lucie, Florida, came to the attention of federal authorities twice prior to being identified as the gunman in the Orlando gay nightclub mass shooting, a senior law enforcement source told The Daily Beast.
Santa Monica Police Arrest Man With Explosives, Guns Going to L.A. Pride
Santa Monica police arrested a man who had explosives, assault rifles and ammunition and was planning to attend the L.A. Pride festival pride, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said Sunday morning during a press conference.
Officials: Orlando Shooter Pledged to ISIS
Federal officials are telling members of Congress the man who killed at least 50 people at a Florida nightclub may have pledged allegiance to ISIS. Omar Mateen, the 29-year-old U.S.-born citizen who opened fire at a gay nightclub in Orlando early Sunday morning, was reportedly 'on the radar' of U.S. law enforcement officials.
Islamic State claims responsibility for Orlando nightclub shooting
Islamic State's Amaq news agency said on Sunday that the Islamist militant group was responsible for the shooting that killed at least 50 people in a massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.
Fifty killed in Florida gay club shooting, worst in U.S. history
A gunman armed with an assault rifle killed 50 people at a packed gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida on Sunday in the worst mass shooting in U.S. history which President Barack Obama described as an act of terror and hate.
Target CEO Clings To Transgender Mixed-Sex Changing Room Plan, Despite $10 billion Loss
Target's CEO Brian Cornell refused to change course when confronted this week by shareholders who are alarmed by his expensive push for a transgender, mixed-sex changing-room policy that has helped wipe out almost 20 percent of the company's value.
Hundreds of aftershocks from magnitude 5.2 Borrego Springs earthquake
There have been hundreds of aftershocks from the magnitude 5.2 earthquake that rattled Southern California on Friday.
Federal judge orders state: Think like me about marriage
A federal judge in Alabama who ruled the state must grant marriage licenses to same-sex duos now apparently is demanding the state Supreme Court justices adopt her view of the issue.

U.S. Politics
Voters expected to flock to polls in record numbers to vote against Trump, Clinton
The 2016 presidential race won’t be a contest of which candidate Americans vote for in November but which candidate they vote against — a purported racist or an alleged crook — and that fear of an unwanted occupant in the White House will drive record numbers to the polls, experts predict.
Hillary: Abortion a 'Constitutional Right'
Hillary Clinton isn't sure the Second Amendment is a constitutional right. But she's sure the right to abortion is. Watch Hillary Clinton 's full remarks!
Here Are 10 More Examples of Google Search Results Favorable to Hillary
'Crime' and 'indictment' are not the only terms Google is keeping hidden from searches of Hillary Clinton, a Washington Free Beacon analysis finds.
Trump demands Obama resign for failing to link Orlando massacre to radical Islam
Donald Trump called on President Barack Obama to resign on Sunday for refusing to use the words 'radical Islam' in describing the massacre of 50 people at an Orlando gay club. He said his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, should drop out of the presidential race for the same reason.
Google Accused of Manipulating Searches, Burying Negative Stories About Hillary Clinton
An explosive report released Thursday suggests that Google manipulated its search engine to boost Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton by burying unflattering stories about her.
Clinton to Planned Parenthood: Trump will reverse Roe v. Wade
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton told a Planned Parenthood gathering in Washington she will protect reproductive rights while her opponent, Donald Trump, wants to 'take America backward.'
Faith & Freedom: Trump Lays Out Plan to 'Protect and Defend' Christians
Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump decided to do things a little differently at the Faith & Freedom's Road to Majority conference in nation's capital Friday.

Christian News
Kevin Loibl Shot & Killed Christina Grimmie Because She Was A Christian
It is difficult to find motive in the insane ravings of a madman like Kevin James Loibl. But it has become increasingly apparent to police from an examination of Loibl's cell phone and computer records, that singer Christina Grimmie was murdered because of her outspoken Christian faith.
Sen. David Perdue tells faith event: Pray Obama's 'days are few'
Georgia Sen. David Perdue said Friday people should pray for President Barack Obama, then recited a Bible verse about death, praying 'let his days be few.'
Dr. James Dobson: Christian Parents Will Violate Scripture if Daughters Use Trans-Inclusive Bathrooms
Popular Christian psychologist and author Dr. James Dobson, who founded the global Colorado-based Focus on the Family ministry and now heads Family Talk, recently warned Christian parents that they will be in violation of Scripture if they allow their daughters to use transgender-inclusive bathrooms.
Scottish Episcopal Church Embraces Same-Sex Marriage
The Scottish Episcopal Church passed a motion that may allow same sex marriages pending a final vote next year.
Today's Breaking News
Around the World
Iran Spends $1.7 Billion in U.S. Taxpayer Funds to Boost Its Military
The State Department is staying silent after Iranian officials disclosed that the Islamic Republic spent a recent payment by the United States of $1.7 billion in taxpayer funds to expand and build-up its military, according to comments provided to the Washington Free Beacon.
Bilderberg group meeting: What actually happens at the world's most secretive gathering of global elites?
No minutes will be taken. No reporters will be allowed in. There will be no opening press conference, no closing statement, and participants will be asked not to quote each other. Welcome to the 64th Bilderberg Conference.
French special forces on ground in Syria
France has deployed its special forces on the ground in northern Syria to advise rebels and help them fight Islamic State, a French Defense Ministry official has revealed to AFP.
Canada's Supreme Court Just Ruled Some Bestiality Is Legal
While bestiality is a criminal offence in Canada, the top court ruled the legal definition is much more limited than how it has been interpreted for decades. It all goes back to the 1800s Church of England trying to ban any sex acts that were seen as unnatural.
A Massive, Ancient Platform Discovered in Petra Has Been 'Hidden in Plain Sight'
Archaeologists have used satellite imagery and drone photography to discover an enormous ceremonial platform near the center of the ancient city of Petra.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
IDF seizes gunmaking machinery, ammo in West Bank sweeps
Israeli security forces seized machinery used to make home-made guns in the West Bank on Thursday night, in a crackdown following a lethal terror attack in Tel Aviv on Wednesday, the army said.
Jerusalem on high alert for first Friday prayers of Ramadan
Jerusalem police were on high alert for the first Friday prayers of the month-long Muslim holiday of Ramadan, two days after four Israelis were shot dead by Palestinian terrorists at a Tel Aviv food market.

Inside the United States
Senators spar over expanding FBI's access to internet users' data
An email privacy bill that passed unanimously in the House has run into trouble in a Senate committee as a result of an amendment that would expand the FBI's warrantless access to internet users' browser history.
First right-to-die clinic opens in California
For the tidy sum of $2,000, terminally ill Californians can now pay a doctor to help them commit suicide.
House Passes Puerto Rico Debt Relief Bill
Following months of internal wrangling, the U.S. House of Representatives, on Thursday passed legislation creating a federal control board to help Puerto Rico cope with crippling debt that is wreaking havoc throughout the island's economy.
Goldman Sachs: Obamacare forcing hundreds of thousands into part-time work
Obamacare is forcing hundreds of thousands of people into part-time work, according to a new analysis from the bank Goldman Sachs.
California court: No concealed carry right in Second Amendment
A San Francisco-based appeals court dealt the gun rights movement a major setback Thursday by ruling there is no Second Amendment right that allows people to carry a concealed weapon.
U.S. Supreme Court finds Puerto Rico not sovereign
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Puerto Rico is not sovereign and not free to enforce its own criminal laws despite having its own constitution and elected leaders.

U.S. Politics
Obama endorses Clinton for president
President Barack Obama endorsed Hillary Clinton, his former rival turned secretary of state, in her quest to succeed him in the White House. The endorsement was made official with a video released online Thursday afternoon.
GOP, Trump split on foreign policy
Notably absent from the House Republicans' foreign policy agenda unveiled Thursday are two phrases: 'Donald Trump' and 'America First.'
Hillary Clinton: No American lives were lost in Libya intervention
Hillary Clinton, in a June 8 interview with PBS, claimed no American lives were lost in the U.S. intervention in Libya and hinted that 'pre-existing rivalries' were the primary cause of the chaos that followed.
Fox News Poll: Trump drops, now trails Clinton
Most voters feel the upcoming election matters more than ones in the past. At the same time, majorities dislike the presumptive nominees -- and think they lack the integrity to hold the nation's highest office.
Sanders pledges to press on with D.C. primary after Obama White House meeting
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said he will press on with his campaign through the District of Columbia primary and into the Democratic convention next month after a private meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House on Thursday.

Christian News
Mel Gibson Planning 'Passion of the Christ' Sequel
Mel Gibson and writer Randall Wallace are working on a sequel to The Passion of the Christ that will tell the story of the resurrection of Jesus, Wallace tells The Hollywood Reporter.
Public Enemy? Evangelical Christians Feel Unwelcome in Their Own Country
The Associated Press reports that even in strongly religious areas like western Kentucky, 'conservative Christians feel under siege.' The AP spoke with evangelical Christians in Benton, Kentucky.
California Bill Would Strip Christian Colleges of Religious Freedom
A California bill designed to protect LGBT students from discrimination, could also violate freedom of speech and religion at Christian colleges and universities.
Today's Breaking News
Around the World
Islamic State losing territory, foreign fighters as coalition forces attack on multiple fronts
As losses continue to mount for Islamic State fighters along multiple fronts in Iraq and Syria, the terrorist group is facing the most serious threat to its Middle East strongholds since the beginning of the U.S.-led coalition campaign.
The world lost more than $13 trillion last year because of war
Violence and worsening conflict cost the world more than $13.6 trillion last year, according to an annual study of the toll of violence worldwide. That figure amounts to some 13 percent of global GDP.
Syria conflict: Hospitals hit in Aleppo air strike
At least 15 people are reported to have been killed and dozens wounded in a series of air strikes on rebel-held areas in the Syrian city of Aleppo.
GOP's national security plan declares war on Islamic State
America must 'lead the charge' in the overseas 'war' against terrorism, House Republicans declared in a 25-page national security proposal that represents the second plank in a six-part House GOP agenda.
Iran denies visas to three GOP congressmen who opposed nuclear deal
Three Republican congressmen who voted against Iran's nuclear deal with world powers have been denied visas by Teheran.
Hezbollah moving 'tons of cocaine' in Latin America, Europe to finance terror operations
Hezbollah's terrorism finance operations are thriving across Latin America months after the Drug Enforcement Administration linked the Iran-backed Lebanese militant group to drug cartels in the region, U.S. lawmakers were told Wednesday.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Netanyahu invites Russia to develop Israel's gas fields
On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Moscow. They discussed economic cooperation including energy ties.
Four killed in central Tel Aviv terror shooting; two attackers nabbed
Following the deadly terrorist shooting in Tel Aviv on Wednesday night that left four people dead and several others wounded, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, Maj.-Gen. Yoav Mordechai, cancelled the easing of some security restrictions that were in place for the Muslim month of Ramadan.
'Every year the month of Ramadan is a month of terror,' says deputy minister
Every year the Islamic holy month of Ramadan turns into a 'month of terror,' Deputy Defense Minister Eli Ben-Dahan said Thursday, the morning after Palestinian gunmen murdered four Israelis in a shooting attack in Tel Aviv.
Hamas claims terrorists who killed 4 in Tel Aviv bloodbath as its own
The Hamas terror group said in a statement early Thursday that the two gunmen who shot up a Tel Aviv cafe on Wednesday night were members of the organization.
After attack, Israel revokes travel permits, sieges suspects' hometown
Israel's Defense Ministry said it was freezing tens of thousands of permits given to Palestinians to travel to Israel during the Muslim Ramadan holy month Thursday along with other punitive measures, in the wake of a terror attack in central Tel Aviv that killed four people.
Horror and chaos captured on video as Tel Aviv gunmen open fire
The grainy footage shows panic-stricken scenes of people fleeing a popular central Tel Aviv restaurant, knocking over tables and chairs as they attempt to run from a pair of Palestinian gunmen who opened fire, killing four Wednesday night.

Inside the United States
House GOP blocks vote on poison pill LGBT amendment
Rules Committee Republicans blocked a vote on a Democratic-offered proposal that would strip federal contracts from companies that discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, in order to ensure that the larger spending bill could pass the House.
Deadbeat America drowning in credit card debt
American taxpayers are quick to criticize the federal government for its ever-increasing national debt, but a new study released Wednesday found taxpayers are also saddled with debt, and are likely to end 2016 with a record high $1 trillion in outstanding balances.
Islamic State 'Kill Lists' Grow in Length, Targeting Ordinary Americans
Islamic State has begun distributing increasingly long “kill lists” of ordinary Americans purportedly encouraging its followers to target those individuals, vexing authorities who are at odds over whether the lists pose an actual threat or are merely scare tactics.
Ryan security plan stresses border control, immigration
House Speaker Paul Ryan is proposing to secure U.S. borders by overhauling the immigration system and installing robust defenses to keep out extremists, criminals and drug cartels.
IRS computer hack was worse than agency admitted
The IRS' computer hack was worse than previously admitted, and the tax agency failed to alert thousands of people that their information was stolen, and didn't give credit monitoring assistance to nearly 80,000 others who were targeted, an inspector general said Wednesday.
About 12 released Guantanamo detainees implicated in attacks on Americans
The Obama administration believes that about 12 detainees released from the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have launched attacks against U.S. or allied forces in Afghanistan, killing about a half-dozen Americans, according to current and former U.S. officials.

U.S. Politics
Donald Trump's teleprompter gives hope to anxious Republicans
Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump used a teleprompter yet again this week -- and managed to stay on script, raising hopes among Republicans that if he can control himself, and deliver a crisper message, he may be OK.
10 Reasons Trump U Case Is a Political Witch-Hunt Against Donald
Donald Trump has gotten a lot of flak, even from members of his own party, for calling into question the class-action lawsuit against Trump University in New York.

Christian News
Russian Orthodox Patriarch: USSR Preserved Christian Morality
The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, recently said that the Soviet Union preserved Russia's Christian morality - a claim that raised more than a few eyebrows. Omitting any mention of the Soviet government's mass persecution of religious institutions, Kirill's words appeared to some as an attempt to reconcile Russia's conservative Orthodox traditions with its Soviet past.
29 Christians Tortured by Hindu Extremists for Refusing to Forsake Christ
Hindu extremists have beaten and tortured 29 Christians who refused to deny their faith in Christ in the village of Katholi in India, reports say.