Prophecy News Watch provided by Worthy Ministries

Prophecy News Watch is a service hosted by Worthy Ministries to provide Christians daily news from a Biblical, and yet Prophetic worldview. Our news is gathered by our Christian News Service, Worthy News. For more about our vision for how we assemble our daily headlines, please read, "What is Worthy News?"

Around the World
Ahead of Brexit vote, support for EU falls across Europe
The Pew survey revealed that 48 percent of British voters had an unfavorable opinion about the EU, compared to 44 percent who were in favor, a similar figure to recent national opinion polls.
Global peace deteriorating as world violence hits new all-time high
Global violence has reached its highest level in the last 25 years. That's despite a new ranking showing that the world would be growing more peaceful - if it weren't for conflicts in the Middle East.
EU court rules illegal migrants cannot be jailed
EU countries cannot imprison illegal migrants just for crossing borders inside the passport-free Schengen area, the bloc's top court ruled Tuesday, in a new blow to efforts to crack down on the migration crisis.
Migrants linked to 69,000 would-be or actual crimes in Germany in first three months of 2016: police
Migrants in Germany committed or tried to commit some 69,000 crimes in the first quarter of 2016, according to a police report that could raise unease, especially among anti-immigrant groups, about Chancellor Angela Merkel's liberal migrant policy.
Disenchantment with E.U. Grows, Poll Finds
As Britain prepares to vote on June 23 on whether to remain in the European Union, skepticism about the bloc is on the rise across Europe, with about two-thirds of Britons wanting some powers returned to their national government, according to an opinion poll released on Tuesday by the Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan institution based in Washington.
ISIS extremists burn 19 Yezidi girls to death in Mosul
Extremist jihadis of the Islamic State (ISIS) on Thursday executed 19 Yezidi girls by burning them to death, activists and eyewitnesses reported.
Iran credits nuclear deal with the doubling of its oil export capacity
Post-sanctions Iran has doubled its oil export capacity, the Islamic republic's oil minister said.
Russia Building Military Base Near Border With Ukraine
Russia is in the process of building a military base close to its border with Ukraine, according to a report Tuesday.
U.S.: Chinese jet makes 'unsafe' intercept of Air Force plane
A U.S. Air Force RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft flying Tuesday in international airspace over the East China Sea was intercepted in an 'unsafe manner' by a Chinese J-10 fighter jet, several defense officials tell CNN.
Iran Denies Entry to U.S. Congressmen Seeking to Inspect Nuke Sites
The Iranian government has declined to permit a delegation of U.S. congressmen into the country to monitor the Islamic Republic's compliance with last summer's nuclear agreement, informing the lawmakers in a sharply worded letter that no U.S. persons are permitted under the agreement to monitor Iran's compliance, according to a copy of the communication obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
EU likely to extend Russia sanctions before summit
The EU is preparing to extend its economic sanctions on Russia before the June summit, as Russian diplomacy targets a winter deadline instead.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Syria reports first IAF attack since Lieberman became defense minister
The Syrian website ‘Zaman Al Wasl,’ which identifies with the opposition forces, quoted a military official from the Syrian regime who claimed that the Israel Air Force had carried out an airstrike against military targets close to a village 13 kilometers north of Homs.
Putin backs ‘just’ solution to Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Meeting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Kremlin, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday expressed support for a “comprehensive and just” solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Rice promises Israel 'largest military aid package in history'
Despite her comments opposing 'settlements', U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice promised Israel that the new military aid agreement between the two countries that is currently being negotiated will constitute 'the single largest military assistance package -- with any country -- in American history,' Haaretz reported Tuesday.
Israeli minister: Remove Palestinians from West Bank Area C, annex territory
Israeli minister Uri Ariel proposed removing 'a few thousand Arabs' from Area C of the West Bank -- the 60% of the territory fully controlled by Israel -- and then annexing it.
Putin: 'Relations with Israel are deep'
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Tuesday afternoon to mark 25 years since the renewal of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Inside the United States
Transgender Bathroom Case Moves To Supreme Court
A Virginia case challenging the Obama administration's interpretation of civil rights for transgender people is headed for the U.S. Supreme Court.
Obama threatens to veto Senate's defense policy bill
The White House warned Tuesday night that President Obama would veto the Senate's National Defense Authorization Act for 2017 if it got to his desk in that form, as it would prevent Obama from closing the detention facilities in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and prescribes other polices Obama opposes.
D.C. Passes $15 Minimum Wage
The Washington, D.C., City Council passed a measure to raise the minimum wage to $15 for hourly employees on Tuesday and increased the tipped wage to $5 an hour.
White House Can't Explain Omission of Damaging Line About Iran Deal Deceit From Transcript
White House press secretary Josh Earnest could not explain Tuesday the omission of a potentially damaging line about the Iran nuclear deal from the official transcript of a White House press briefing last month, refusing to revisit the matter and rejecting the notion that there was any wrongdoing.
California lawmakers try to extend ObamaCare to illegal immigrants
California is on the brink of becoming the first state in the nation to offer illegal immigrants the chance to buy insurance on an ObamaCare exchange -- testing what's being described as a 'loophole' in the law.
FBI wants access to Internet browser history without a warrant in terrorism and spy cases
The Obama administration is seeking to amend surveillance law to give the FBI explicit authority to access a person's Internet browser history and other electronic data without a warrant in terrorism and spy cases.

U.S. Politics
Clinton declares victory, takes aim at Trump
Hillary Clinton claimed a historic victory Tuesday night, exactly eight years to the day since her first presidential campaign ended in defeat. She is now the first female major party nominee for president of the United States.
GOP in disarray over Trump furor
Donald Trump's presidential campaign faced a crisis of confidence on Tuesday as Republicans denounced his attacks on a federal judge as racist and grappled with whether to retract their endorsements.
More Republican Leaders Slam Trump Comments on Judge
U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senator Lindsey Graham have joined a growing chorus of Republican leaders to disavow comments by presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump about the Mexican heritage of a judge in a class-action lawsuit against Trump University.
Hillary Clinton wins New Jersey, New Mexico, South Dakota primaries
Hillary Clinton claimed victory Tuesday in the New Jersey, New Mexico and South Dakota primaries as she claimed the Democratic Party's presidential nomination and made clear she's now preparing for the general election.

Christian News
Christian Convert Near Death in Iranian Prison Temporarily Released
Christian convert Nasim Naghash Zargaran has been temporarily released from an Iranian prison after posting bail.
Islamic Militants Hack To Death Christian Grocer In Bangladesh
Islamic militants have claimed responsibility for the murder of a Christian grocer who was hacked to death Sunday, June 5, after Sunday prayers near a church in northwest Bangladesh. The Islamic State (IS) group said the attack was 'part of a series of operations' targeting Christians and other religious minorities in the impoverished Asian nation.
Chinese Christians Forbidden from Holding Prayer Meeting
Chinese Christians were forced to cancel a prayer meeting after government authorities said they did not have permission to gather together.
Nigeria: Pastor's Wife Stabbed to Death for Insulting Muhammad
Attackers stabbed to death the wife of a Nigerian pastor last week after she reportedly insulted the Muslim prophet Muhammad.
Rev. Franklin Graham: 'This Nation Is in Serious Trouble'
The Rev. Franklin Graham said that he was not endorsing any presidential candidates -- 'but I am appealing to all Americans to pray' because 'this nation is in serious trouble.'
EU agreement threatens freedom of religion and freedom of the press by censoring critical internet posts
The EU has just announced an agreement with major internet providers such as Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft under which material deemed to be 'hate speech' will be removed from the internet within 24 hours. However, we have serious concerns that the definition of hate speech is so vague it could effectively censor anything deemed politically incorrect, including for example, any criticism of Islamism, mass migration or even the European Union itself. This could have serious implications for Christian organisations such as Barnabas Aid which are reporting on the persecution of Christians, such as converts from Islam.
Today's Breaking News
Around the World
NATO alliance starts biggest military exercise amid tensions with Russia
The exercises, codenamed Anakonda-16, began Tuesday amid rising tension in the region, with Moscow warning that a NATO expansion in the east would threaten its national security.
Russia is 'paving the way' for a major re-escalation in Syria
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters Monday that Russia would provide "the most active" support to the Syrian army to keep the strategic city of Aleppo and the surrounding area from falling into the hands of "terrorists."
Istanbul bomb blast kills 11 people, wounds 36
A car bomb attack on a Turkish police bus killed 11 people, seven of them police officers, in the central Istanbul district of Vezneciler on Tuesday, Istanbul Governor Vasip Sahin told reporters near the scene.
U.S.-backed Kurds, Russia-backed Syrians advance on Raqqa in pincer movement
A U.S.-backed Kurdish-Arab alliance from the north and Russian-backed Syrian troops from the southwest are set to catch Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) in a pincer movement as they advance on the terror group's stronghold at Raqqa.
Robots will take over most jobs in the world by 2045
As we reach the middle of the 21st century, half the population of the world will lose their job to a machine. Yes, this is another 'robots will take our jobs' story.
France floods 'caused one billion euros worth of damage'
A massive mop-up is under way in France after flooding that killed four people, caused the river Seine in Paris to burst its banks, and left damage estimated at up to a billion euros .
NATO opens its biggest joint drill in Poland
Troops from over 20 countries are set to take part in the massive exercise in Poland, amid severe tensions between NATO and Moscow. The maneuvers test the alliance's ability to 'defend its eastern flank,' Warsaw said.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Arab League won't accept any changes to 2002 peace initiative, says chief
Arab League Secretary-General Nabil al-Arabi has slammed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's recent calls to introduce changes into the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative in order to reinvigorate the Israel-Palestinian peace process.
Leviathan field reserves 20% smaller than reported
The Energy Ministry has confirmed that the Leviathan offshore field has 20 percent less gas than previously reported.
Israel puts billions into multi-layer Gaza tunnel barrier
The defense establishment is expected to finish installing a state of the art counter-tunnel barrier along the Israel-Gaza Strip border within two years, Israel Hayom learned on Tuesday.
Netanyahu: We want peace, but won't divide Jerusalem
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday said that the Israeli capital of Jerusalem will never again be divided, while also reiterating his commitment to restarting peace talks with the Palestinians who, in any peace agreement, would want to see East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state.
Marking 'setback,' Abbas demands full Israeli withdrawal to '67 lines
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said Sunday that the Palestinian people will not accept anything less than a full Israeli withdrawal from territories Israel captured in the 1967 war and the establishment of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.
PA textbooks support violence and demonization of Israel, Jews, report finds
Palestinian Authority school books continue to promote violence and demonization of Israel and Jews.

Inside the United States
Washington State To Teach Transgenderism To Kindergartners
By fall 2017 Washington state public schools will begin teaching gender expression to kindergarteners under newly-approved health education learning standards that designate sexual health a “core idea” of public K-12 education.
State health officials warn Indiana residents about rise in syphilis cases
The number of syphilis cases is on the rise in Indiana. As a result, state health officials are urging health care providers to educate patients about the risks of the disease.
Record Gun Sales Continue Through May
The month of May saw yet another gun-related background check record making it the 13th month to see an all time high.
Emergency declared in Florida ahead of Tropical Storm Colin
Florida Gov. Rick Scott on Monday declared an emergency for the state ahead of Tropical Storm Colin, which was forecast to make landfall near the Panhandle in the evening.

U.S. Politics
AP: Clinton Reaches Number of Delegates Needed to Clinch Democratic Nomination
Hillary Clinton has reached the 2,383 delegate threshold to clinch the Democratic nomination for president, the Associated Press reported late Monday.
Obama endorsement of Clinton could come Wednesday
Although it's no surprise, President Obama is preparing to endorse Hillary Clinton for president, perhaps as early as this week.
Clinton clinches but Bernie defiant
Hillary Clinton was projected to clinch the Democratic nomination almost eight years to the day she abandoned her 2008 campaign against then-Sen. Barack Obama.
Trump Orders Surrogates to Intensify Criticism of Judge and Journalists
An embattled Donald Trump urgently rallied his most visible supporters to defend his attacks on a federal judge's Mexican ancestry during a conference call on Monday in which he ordered them to question the judge's credibility and impugn reporters as racists.
Protesters Assault Trump Supporters With Eggs, Bottles, Punches After Rally
Donald Trump supporters were mobbed and assaulted by protesters on Thursday night after the candidate's campaign rally in California.

Christian News
Sudan: Eritreans denied right of Asylum
Last month, Sudanese authorities deported at least 442 Eritrean refugees.
Nigeria: Muslim herdsmen kill three Christians
Muslim Fulani herdsmen killed three Christian villagers in Nigeria's Kaduna state last week.
You'll Never Guess Who's Leaving the Church the Fastest
When you look around your church on Sunday morning, you may see more women than men in the pew, but a new study shows the gender gap is closing.
Episcopal Priest: LGBTQ People Will 'Revitalize Christianity'
In a recent essay in Salon Magazine, the Reverend Elizabeth M. Edman argues for the power of 'queer virtue' to combat 'heteronormativity' and revitalize a Christianity that is too wedded to traditional ideas of human sexuality and marriage.
Only One-Third of Pastors Share 'Left Behind' End Times Theology
Most Protestant pastors believe Jesus will return in the future. But few agree about the details of the apocalypse.
Today's Breaking News
Around the World
Islamic State Threatens Terror Attacks in U.S., Europe
The Islamic State is urging jihadists in the United States and Europe to carry out terror attacks during what a group spokesman promised would be “the month of conquest and jihad.”
Scientists grow human organs for transplant inside pigs
Scientists in the United States are trying to grow human organs inside pigs.
Europe floods: Seine River at highest level since 1982; at least 15 dead
Rising floodwaters in France set another historic level on Friday, as the Seine River swelled to its highest level in more than three decades.
11,774 Terror Attacks Worldwide in 2015; 28,328 Deaths Due to Terror Attacks
The U.S. State Department's annual Country Reports on Terrorism 2015, released on Thursday, counts 11,774 terrorist attacks in 92 countries last year, but it says that's an improvement over 2014.
Syrian army presses offensive against Islamic State
The Syrian army has crossed the boundary of Raqqa province, home to the de facto capital of Islamic State, after a major Russian-backed offensive against the militants, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Saturday.
US Pentagon chief proposes Asia-Pacific 'security network'
U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter is proposing to accelerate and deepen defense cooperation in the Asia-Pacific by expanding a 'security network' of countries whose militaries would train together and eventually operate together.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
TV report: Netanyahu ‘said yes’ to regional peace efforts in call with Kerry
In a telephone conversation with Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “said yes” to new efforts led by Egypt and Saudi Arabia for regional progress toward peace, an Israeli television report said.
200,000 Attend Pride Parade in Tel Aviv
Tens of thousands of people participated in the Pride Parade on Friday, marching through Tel Aviv in a street party that culminated with a beach party at Charles Clore Park.
World powers have duty to revive Middle East peace talks - EU
The European Union's foreign policy chief said on Friday that major powers had a duty to revive talks between Israel and Palestine and that the perspectives created by the Oslo accords in 1993 were at risk.
PA textbooks support violence and demonization of Israel, Jews, report finds
Palestinian Authority school books continue to promote violence and demonization of Israel and Jews.
Netanyahu heads to Moscow for fourth Putin parley in a year
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is heading to Moscow on Monday for a two-day trip during which he will hold his fourth meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in less than a year. The two leaders on Wednesday are expected to discuss Moscow's involvement in the Syrian civil war and its reported delivery of advanced weaponry to Iran.

Inside the United States
California moves to criminalize undercover filming at Planned Parenthood
In the wake of an undercover investigation into Planned Parenthood’s fetal parts sales, the California legislature is considering a bill that would criminalize publishing secretly recorded video footage of “health care providers.”
Obama Uses Bible, Christian Faith to Defend Transgender Bathroom Directive to Schools
President Barack Obama said that his understanding of the Bible and his Christian beliefs led him to issue the directive at public schools calling on students to be allowed to use the bathroom of their choosing regardless of their biological sex.
Congressman: Obama Admin Withholding Info About 86,000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants
The Obama administration is withholding from Congress and the American people detailed information about more than 86,000 illegal aliens who have committed serious crimes and continue to walk the streets in the United States, according to conversations with a member of Congress, who disclosed to the Washington Free Beacon that 'if the public knew about this there would be total absolute outrage' over the matter.
Tape recordings Obama wants to conceal
President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran was palmed off on the public with soothing lies about 'anytime, anywhere' inspections of the mullah's nuclear facilities; about the extent of sanctions relief Iran would enjoy; about how many centrifuges would stop spinning once the deal was in place.
94,708,000: Record Number of Americans Not in Labor Force
There were 94,708,000 Americans not participating in the labor force in May, an increase of 664,000 individuals from the previous month, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics released Friday.
IRS finally reveals list of tea party groups targeted for extra scrutiny
More than three years after it admitted to targeting tea party groups for intrusive scrutiny, the IRS has finally released a near-complete list of the organizations it snagged in a political dragnet.
U.S. Set to Approve Moon Mission by Commercial Space Venture
U.S. officials appear poised to make history by approving the first private space mission to go beyond Earth's orbit, according to people familiar with the details.
Muhammad Ali, 'The Greatest of All Time', Dead at 74
Muhammad Ali, the silver-tongued boxer and civil rights champion who famously proclaimed himself 'The Greatest' and then spent a lifetime living up to the billing, is dead.

U.S. Politics
Protests backfire as anti-American images push undecided voters to Trump
The ugly protest scenes outside Donald Trump’s rallies are doing more damage to the protesters than to Mr. Trump’s political chances, according to analysts who say the violence and anti-American sentiments are backfiring.
Clinton refuses to say owning a gun is a constitutional right
Hillary Clinton declined to say during an interview Sunday whether she believes the right to bear arms is guaranteed by the Constitution.
David French will not run as an independent for the presidency
Attorney and writer David French, who for the last week has been touted as a potential independent candidate for president, announced Sunday evening that he will not run.

Christian News
Iran: Christian prisoner has health issues
A Christian prisoner remains ill while Iranian officials refuse to transfer her to a hospital to receive the required medical care.
Nigeria: Muslim Mob kills Christian for Facebook post
Last month a Christian was killed in Nigeria after his chat on Facebook ended in an accusation of blasphemy against Islam's controversial prophet.
Franklin Graham: 'Sickening' Fort Riley Canceled Prayer Breakfast
Franklin Graham took to his Facebook page to condemn as 'sickening' Fort Riley's decision to postpone a prayer breakfast that would have featured retired Lt. General William 'Jerry' Boykin, an original member of Delta Force.
Fort Riley prayer breakfast called off; controversial retired 3-star was set to speak
A prayer breakfast at Fort Riley set for Monday as part of 1st Infantry Division's 'Victory Week' celebration has been rescheduled, and the retired three-star general who'd been invited to speak -- and whose invitation to a similar event at West Point in 2012 met with fierce opposition -- won't be asked back.