Prophecy News Watch provided by Worthy Ministries

Prophecy News Watch is a service hosted by Worthy Ministries to provide Christians daily news from a Biblical, and yet Prophetic worldview. Our news is gathered by our Christian News Service, Worthy News. For more about our vision for how we assemble our daily headlines, please read, "What is Worthy News?"

Today's Breaking News
Around the World
Flooding in France, Germany expected to worsen
The German states of Bavaria and Rhineland-Palatinate, which have already been hit by four days of severe flooding, have been warned to expect further storms.
Germany arrests 3 suspected Syrian terrorists, foils possible Islamic State plot
Three Syrian men who entered Germany with a wave of migrants were arrested Thursday on suspicion of planning an Islamic State attack on the city of Düsseldorf, potentially thwarting a deadly operation that appeared eerily reminiscent of the recent assaults on Brussels and Paris.
The European Commission Wants You To Log Into Social Media Accounts With Govt-Issued ID Cards
The European Commission plans to attack citizens' right to online privacy, insisting that state-issued ID cards should be used to log into platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and even Uber.
'We want food!', Venezuelans cry at protest near presidency
Venezuelan security forces fired teargas at protesters chanting 'We want food!' near Caracas' presidential palace on Thursday, the latest street violence in the crisis-hit OPEC nation.
EU, US sign data deal to fight crime, terrorism
The agreement aims to protect personal data transferred across the Atlantic, following revelations of large-scale US snooping. The 'Umbrella Agreement' will aid in the fight against cross-border crime and terrorism.
NATO wishes no conflict with Russia, but will protect members
Ready for dialogue, but showing strength: That's the strategy for Russia that NATO is expected to confirm at a summit in July. Germany and NATO also want to increase cooperation in fighting human traffickers.
France floods: Louvre to close as Seine rises further
The world's most visited museum, the Louvre in Paris, is to close on Friday amid worsening flooding caused by days of torrential rain.
State Dept. Admits Official Censored Sensitive Iran Nuclear Deal Video
A State Department official deliberately cut several minutes of videotape from a news briefing dealing with sensitive questions about U.S.-Iranian nuclear negotiations before posting the footage to its website and YouTube, the agency said Wednesday.
No EU plan for Brexit, Eurogroup chief says
EU leaders have not planned for a British exit from the EU after the 23 June referendum, the president of the Eurogroup said Thursday (2 June).

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Middle East peace talks open without Israeli, Palestinian representatives
In light of the Syrian civil war and the ongoing refugee crisis, the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians has been largely pushed into the background in recent months. But the conference in Paris opening on Friday will aim to begin a new peace initiative between the two conflict parties.
France says Israeli settlements main ‘threat’ to two-state solution, ahead of peace summit
Forget unrelenting terrorism, the Hamas-Fatah split, and m, the Hamas-Fatah split, and the consistent Palestinian refusal to recognize Israel as the national home of the Jews, a French pre-summit paper on Thursday said settlement activity is the main threat to a two state solution.

Inside the United States
After secret Harvard meeting, scientists announce plans for synthetic human genomes
Three weeks ago, 130 scientists, entrepreneurs and policy leaders held an invitation-only, closed-door meeting at Harvard University to discuss an ambitious plan to create synthetic human genomes. Now, after a flurry of criticism over the secrecy of the effort, the participants have published their idea, declaring that they're launching a project to radically reduce the cost of synthesizing genomes -- a potentially revolutionary development in biotechnology that could enable technicians to grow human organs for transplantation.
Syrian rebel whose group is linked to al Qaida visited U.S.
A senior figure from a Syrian rebel group with links to al Qaida was allowed into the United States for a brief visit, raising questions about how much the Obama administration will compromise in the search for partners in the conflict.
1,037 Syrian Refugees Admitted in May: Two Christians, 1,035 Muslims
The number of Syrian refugees admitted into the United States jumped to 1,037 during May - an increase of 130 percent over the previous month - but the proportion of Christians among them remains miniscule: two Christians (0.19 percent) compared to 1,035 Muslims.
California Senate sidelines bill to prosecute climate change skeptics
A landmark bill allowing for the prosecution of climate change dissent effectively died Thursday after the California Senate failed to take it up before the deadline.
5 dead, 4 missing after Army truck swept away in Texas flood
Five soldiers were killed and four were missing after an Army troop carrier was washed from a low-water crossing and overturned Thursday in a rain-swollen creek at Fort Hood, the Texas Army post said.
Smuggling network guided illegals from Middle East terror hotbeds to U.S. border
A smuggling network has managed to sneak illegal immigrants from Middle Eastern terrorism hotbeds straight to the doorstep of the U.S., including helping one Afghan who authorities say was part of an attack plot in North America.
ACLU Leader Resigns after Daughters' Experience in Public Bathroom
A former state executive director of the ACLU has resigned because her own daughters were frightened when transgendered men entered the women's bathroom.
Massachusetts House passes bill to protect transgender people
The Massachusetts House of Representatives on Wednesday passed a bill that would protect transgender people and permit them to use restrooms and locker rooms that match their gender identity.

U.S. Politics
Judge orders Obama administration to release new Clinton emails
A federal judge has ordered the Obama administration to release new emails connected to Hillary Clinton before Democratic National Convention in July.
Poll: 71 percent of Dems think Clinton should keep running even if indicted
A strong majority of Democratic voters think Hillary Clinton should keep running for president even if she is charged with a felony in connection with her private email use while secretary of state, according to a new poll.

Christian News
India: Pastor, Christians harrassed
The arrest of a pastor, his wife and another church member in Satna, India, on May 22 symbolically fell on the two-year anniversary of Narendra Modi's oppressive Hindu nationalist government.
India: Christian arrested for spreading the Gospel
Police arrested a Christian in Chhattisgarh, India, for distributing brochures printed with excerpts from the Gospel.
School Sends Deputy to Warn 7-Year-Old about Bible Verses
Officials at a California public grade school who dispatched a sheriff's deputy to stop a 7-year-old from sharing Bible verses with his classmates because someone could be 'offended' now are being warned of 'civil rights violations.'
Today's Breaking News
Around the World
Iran Adds New Demands for $8.6 Million Nuke Material Sale to Obama Admin
The Obama administration’s $8.6 million purchase of nuclear material from Iran appears to have stalled over Iranian demands that the United States hand over the money in advance, according to recent remarks by Iranian officials.
Nearly 46 Million People Trapped in Modern Slavery, Report Finds
Nearly 46 million people across the globe are living in modern slavery, a system of exploitation that governments and businesses must do more to end, according to the Walk Free Foundation.
6.5 magnitude earthquake strikes off Indonesia coast, USGS says
A powerful 6.5 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Indonesia late Wednesday, U.S. geological officials said.
France sees worst flooding since records began
Scenes in parts of France looked like something straight out of a Jules Verne novel, with cars and houses under water after a deluge of rain.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Three-quarters of Jewish Israelis support same-sex unions: poll
More than three quarters of Jewish Israelis are in favor of allowing same-sex civil unions and marriages, according to a poll released Wednesday by advocacy group Hiddush and cited by the Times of Israel.
Ahead of LGBT parade, court axes request for restraining orders for 'dangerous' activists
Tel Aviv police rescinded a number of restraining orders against people who they deemed could pose a threat to Friday's upcoming LGBT pride parade, after a local court rejected the police appeal.

Inside the United States
Planned Parenthood Pushes California to Convict Reporters as Felons for Investigating Abortion Practices
Planned Parenthood is pushing California lawmakers to pass a bill that would criminalize reporters and media outlets that publish undercover video and audio of abortion clinic practices by convicting them as felons.
Illegal immigration skyrockets in past 2 years
Illegal immigration has exploded 57 percent in less than two years, with at least 550,000 new illegals entering the U.S. in a trend that is set to continue growing, according to new Census data.
Report: Federal Reserve breached over 50 times in four years
The U.S. Federal Reserve was breached more than 50 times between 2011 and 2015, according to agency records revealed on Wednesday.
Internet Boom Times Are Over, Says Mary Meeker's Influential Report
Growth of internet users worldwide is essentially flat, and smartphone growth is slowing, too. Those sobering insights were among the hundreds packed into the much-awaited Internet Trends report, an annual tech industry ritual led by Mary Meeker, a general partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers.
Clinton emails: White House wants messages involving Obama kept private
As the U.S. Department of State continues to release thousands of pages of former secretary Hillary Clinton's private server emails, the White House wants some electronic communications between she and President Barack Obama to remain private.

U.S. Politics
Trump threatens to scramble the election map
Donald Trump has done exactly what he promised: He has scrambled the election map, putting into play states that have been out of the Republican Party’s reach for a generation, but he also risks losing states that have long been GOP strongholds.
Republicans still rationalizing support for Trump
Top Republicans are still twisting themselves into knots explaining their support for Donald Trump.
Hillary Clinton Calls Donald Trump a 'Fraud' Who Would 'Scam America'
Hillary Clinton seized on Donald Trump's legal troubles concerning a defunct real-estate school during a rally Wednesday, calling him a 'fraud' who is 'trying to scam America the way he scammed all those people at Trump U.'
Poll: Sanders nearly pulls even with Clinton in California
Bernie Sanders is running neck and neck with Hillary Clinton in next week's California Democratic presidential primary, according to a new poll released Wednesday afternoon.
USA Today: Trump Involved in 3,500 Lawsuits
A new analysis has uncovered 3,500 lawsuits in which Donald Trump or his companies have been involved in.

Christian News
Billy Graham: 'The Days of Noah' Are Returning to Earth
The Rev. Billy Graham warns in a message in the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association's Decision magazine that God's judgment is due to return to Earth.
Today's Breaking News
Around the World
ISIS fights back after Iraqi forces surround Falluja, military says
Fierce clashes erupted between Iraqi security forces and ISIS militants on Tuesday at the southern edge of the Iraqi city of Falluja.
State Department Issues New Travel Alert for Europe
The State Department on Tuesday warned Americans traveling to Europe about risk of terror attacks over the summer.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Senate panel unanimously approves quadrupling missile defense aid to Israel
The Senate Appropriations Committee has unanimously approved an increase in spending on Israeli missile defense that is four times more than what President Barack Obama had requested.
In surprise move, Netanyahu says he's ready to negotiate based on Saudi peace initiative
Israel is prepared to hold peace talks based on the Arab Peace Initiative, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu surprisingly declared Monday just moments after new Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman took the oath of office, ending a month-long saga over which party would join Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government.
Clinton Quiet on Democratic Platform Fight Over Israel
Hillary Clinton is staying silent about whether she supports changing the Democratic Party's platform on Israel amid reports that Bernie Sanders is fighting to incorporate criticism of Israeli policies.

Inside the United States
Transgender bathroom debate likely headed to Supreme Court
The debate over whether transgender students should be able to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity is likely headed to the U.S. Supreme Court after a federal appeals court refused Tuesday to reconsider a three-judge panel's ruling on the matter.
Amid deadly floods, Texas' Brazos River crests at record 54 feet
Residents of some rural southeastern Texas counties were bracing for more flooding Tuesday along a river that had reached a record-high crest just two years after it had run dry in places because of drought.
Appeals Court Delivers Devastating Blow to Cellphone-Privacy Advocates
Courts across the country are grappling with a key question for the information age: When law enforcement asks a company for cellphone records to track location data in an investigation, is that a search under the Fourth Amendment?
Government Admits Cellphones Cause Cancer
The government just made a startling admission -- cellphones can cause cancer. After years of sidestepping the public's concern, a $25 million study conducted by the National Toxicology Program (NTP), a branch of the National Institutes of Health, found that cellphones increased the risk of two types of tumors -- gliomas, a type of cancerous brain tumor, and schwannomas, a rare tumor of the heart.

U.S. Politics
Trump's press feud boils over
Tensions between Donald Trump and the national media burst into the open Tuesday during a heated press conference at Trump Tower.
Hillary Clinton yet to hold single press conference in 2016
Hillary Clinton is 0-for-2016, having failed to hold any full press conferences this year -- fueling the perception that she is the most guarded major candidate in recent political history, in stark contrast with presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
Poll: Terror, illegal immigration drive Trump voters, 88% want wall
Republican Donald Trump has tapped into new issues like the fear of terrorism and problems of illegal immigration driving American voters who for years have focused mostly on the economy, according to a new survey that helps to identify his winning issues.
Trump: Only Dummies Believe 5 Percent Jobless Rate, It's Really 20 Percent
Donald Trump says that you'd have to be a 'dummy' to believe the government's official unemployment rate of 5 percent.

Christian News
India: Christian arrested for spreading the Gospel
Police arrested a Christian in Chhattisgarh, India, for distributing brochures printed with excerpts from the Gospel.
Vietnam: 'Accident' kills pastor, Christian convert
As Pastor Dang Ba Nham, his wife and a church elder were praying with a recent convert to Christianity along a busy roadside, a large pickup truck with military plates suddenly veered across the street and struck them.
Jan Crouch Dies at 78; Christian Leaders Send Condolences to Trinity Broadcasting Network Co-Founder's Family
Jan Crouch's death, announced by her son and Trinity Broadcasting Network Tuesday morning, has sent a flood of condolences and fond memory posts on social media, including some from well-known Christian leaders.
Saudi Arabia: Muslims Converting to Christianity Despite Persecution
Although Saudi Arabia is a predominantly Muslim country that is hostile to Christians, many in the country are converting to Christianity and receiving support for their faith online.