Prophecy News Watch provided by Worthy Ministries

Prophecy News Watch is a service hosted by Worthy Ministries to provide Christians daily news from a Biblical, and yet Prophetic worldview. Our news is gathered by our Christian News Service, Worthy News. For more about our vision for how we assemble our daily headlines, please read, "What is Worthy News?"

Today's Breaking News
Around the World
Russia's S-300 Defense Missile System To Be Shipped To Iran Soon, Report Says
Russia will begin the first shipment of the S-300 air defense missile system to Iran in the coming days, Interfax news agency quoted a senior Russian diplomat as saying Tuesday.
US Helping Iran Access Billions in Frozen Funds
The Obama administration is helping Iran access billions of dollars in funds that are tied up in international banks across the globe by rewriting regulations and other measures, according to testimony Tuesday by a top U.S. official, who admitted that these assets could be used to fund terrorism.
Report: Worldwide military spending reaches $1.7 trillion
Global military expenditure rose to nearly $1.7 trillion in 2015, reflecting continued growth in Asia and Oceania, Central and Eastern Europe, and some Middle Eastern states, according to a SIPRI report.
Report: Syrian rebels shoot down warplane, capture pilot
Syrian rebels on Tuesday allegedly downed a Russian fighter jet belonging to the Syrian air force and captured the aircraft's pilot, sources linked to the opposition reported.
If you thought Obama was done making concessions to Iran -- think again
One of the arguments critics of the Iran deal made during last year's debate was that beyond the staggering immediate concessions to Iran, the deal paves the way for ongoing and future concessions. The reason is that the reality of the agreement leaves the U.S. hamstrung by fear that Iran can use anything as a pretext to pull out of the deal. We're now starting to see this play out, as Obama administration officials are signaling that they may provide additional sanctions relief to address Iranian complaints, even though they promised Congress no such relief would ever be provided.
Iran accuses U.S. of breaking nuclear deal
Iranian officials are accusing the U.S. of violating the landmark nuclear deal with Tehran by not releasing enough sanctions to the Islamic Republic, according to regional media reports.
Report: EU Terror Threat Increased as Illegal Border Crossings Hit All-Time High
An unprecedented 1.82 million migrants illegally crossed into the EU last year, increasing the security threat across Europe where militants have taken advantage of disjointed border enforcement, border agency Frontex reported Tuesday.
Pentagon Trying to Stop Chinese Air Defense Zone in Disputed Sea
Amid signs China will soon impose an air exclusion zone over the South China Sea, the Pentagon is trying to head off another destabilizing action by Beijing in the increasingly tense region.
Russia Deployed Over 150 New Warheads in Past Year
Russia deployed 153 strategic nuclear warheads over the past year under the New START arms treaty while the U.S. military pared its nuclear forces by 57 warheads, according to State Department figures released last week.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Workers in Gaza Discover What May be Ancient Church
Construction workers in the Gaza Strip have discovered what Palestinian tourism officials say they believe to be a Christian religious site, dating back to the sixth century.
Jewish settlement, synagogue from Second Temple era unearthed on Sea of Galilee shore
The excavation of a 2,000-yearold Jewish settlement and synagogue from the Second Temple period in Magdala, located on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee, recently revealed rare and well-preserved antiquities, including a bronze incense shovel and jug.
Abbas: We are prepared to discuss with Israel ending of 'mutual incitement'
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said on Tuesday he was prepared to work with Israel to stop and monitor mutual incitement between the two sides.
Israel says Mideast arms proliferation imperils its military edge
Israel's neighbors are buying arms on a scale that threatens its regional military superiority, the deputy Israeli air force chief said on Sunday, in remarks that appeared aimed at helping secure more defense aid from a reluctant Washington.

Inside the United States
Mississippi gov. signs law allowing service denial to gays
Mississippi's governor signed a law on Tuesday that allows public and private businesses to refuse service to gay couples based on the employers' religious beliefs.

U.S. Politics
Ted Cruz delivers stunning blow to Donald Trump with Wisconsin win; Sanders defeats Clinton
Sen. Ted Cruz was projected to win the Wisconsin primary Tuesday, delivering a stunning blow to GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump and resetting the race as it heads east later this month.
Huckabee: GOP Platform Changes to Gay Marriage 'Disastrous'
A report that Republicans may tweak their party platform to be more tolerant of same-sex marriage is a bad idea that would be 'disastrous' for the GOP, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee tells Newsmax TV.
Cruz Takes Lead for First Time in Reuters National Poll
For the first time, Ted Cruz Tuesday surpassed Republican presidential rival Donald Trump nationally in the weekly Reuters tracking poll -- by just two points after a week of debacles ranging from the front-runner's switches on abortion to his campaign manager being charged with simple battery for allegedly grabbing a news reporter.
Team Trump lashes out at Cruz after devastating Wis. loss
Donald Trump's presidential campaign lashed out at Republican rival Ted Cruz late Tuesday evening after the Texas senator dealt Trump a huge loss in Wisconsin's GOP primary.
Is Wisconsin a turning point for Cruz, Sanders?
Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders upended their respective parties' front-runners with big wins in the Wisconsin primary Tuesday.

Christian News
Iran: Christian prisoner encourages fellow believers
During an official crackdown on Iran's house-church leadership, a Christian convert from Islam serving a sentence in Rajai Shahr Prison has secretly sent a message of encouragement to the Islamic Republic's persecuted Christians.
Water tower woes for Oklahoma city
A church name inscribed on a city-owned water tower in Oklahoma has drawn the ire of an atheist group.
Persecution of Christians is on the rise, Americans say
A poll finds that, in just two years, the number of Americans who think Christians are facing growing intolerance in the U.S. has drastically increased.
Today's Breaking News
Around the World
Panama Papers blowback rocks world capitals
A world of blowback descended on capitals from Moscow and Riyadh to Washington and Reykjavik Monday a day after the publication of the so-called "Panama Papers" exposed the offshore and potentially illegal financial dealings of dozens of wealthy, famous and powerful people around the world.
ISIS uses mustard gas against Syrian army
Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists attacked Syrian army troops with mustard gas in an offensive against a Syrian military airport in the eastern province of Deir al-Zor that borders Iraq, Reuters reported Monday, citing Syrian state media.
Russia withdrawal due to disappointment with Iran and Hezbollah
Russia decided to partially withdrawal its troop from Syria due to Moscow's disappointment over failures by pro-regime Iranian and Hezbollah forces to achieve victories against opposition forces fighting to topple the Assad government, the Saudi news-site Elaph reported Monday night.
ISIS Crucifies Young Men on Electrical Poles
ISIS crucified at least eight men on electricity poles in its de facto capital of Raqqa, Syria, this past weekend, according to human rights activists.
Mexico tortures migrants -- and citizens -- in effort to slow Central American surge
A growing number of indigenous Mexicans are being detained by agents looking for Central American migrants, amid a crackdown driven partly by aid from the US.
Navy: Iranian weapons confiscated at sea -- and it's the third time in two months
The U.S. Navy has confiscated a cache of weapons that it believes was been transported from Iran to Houthi rebels in Yemen, marking at least the third time in two months that such a shipment was stopped, Navy officials said.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Lockheed Martin: First F-35s will arrive in Israel in December
Development of the advanced F-35 fighter jet is moving along as expected and Israel "has our commitment" that the first F-35s it ordered will arrive this December, Lockheed Martin Vice President Gen. (ret.) Gary North said Sunday at a Tel Aviv national security conference organized by the Fisher Institute for Air and Space Strategic Studies and Israel Defense.
IDF records drastic drop in Palestinian terrorism in March
The month of March has experienced a drastic drop in Palestinian terrorism attacks in the West Bank, Jerusalem, and in Israeli cities within the Green Line, according to IDF data.
Israel 'our indispensable ally' in war on Islamic terror, says Paul Ryan on visit to Jerusalem
Paul Ryan, the U,S, Speaker of the House of Representatives, first order of business is to make clear that he very deliberately chose to visit Israel now so as to reinforce our alliance and to underline his conviction that the US-Israel partnership should and will grow stronger in the future.
Netanyahu responds to Abbas invite: 'I'll be here, any day'
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday he was willing to meet with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas any day, after the PA leader called for a meeting during an interview last week on Israeli television.
Rivlin calls for talks with Palestinians, says he would meet Abbas
President Reuven Rivlin spoke on Monday of the need for direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians and said he was willing to meet Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to further this goal.

Inside the United States
Supreme Court rules in redistricting case: Illegal immigrants can be counted
A unanimous Supreme Court ruled Monday that illegal immigrants and other noncitizens can be counted when states draw their legislative districts, shooting down a challenge by Texas residents who said their own voting power was being diluted.
Congress Investigating Obama Admin Deception on Iran Nuke Deal
Congress is investigating whether the Obama administration misled lawmakers last summer about the extent of concessions granted to Iran under the nuclear deal, as well as if administration officials have been quietly rewriting the deal's terms in the aftermath of the agreement, according to sources and a formal notice sent to the State Department.
North Carolina May Lose Federal Funding over Bill Discriminating against LGBT
North Carolina's new law on gay and transgender rights may make the state ineligible for billions in federal dollars for schools, highways and housing.
Colorado School Bans 'Inappropriate' Atheists, Satanic Literature
A Colorado school board is banning some of the literature placed in public schools recently by atheist and satanic groups.
Stem cell therapy halves deaths from heart failure
Stem cells can repair a damaged heart and potentially halve the number of people dying from heart failure, scientists have shown, in a major breakthrough for regenerative medicine.
Obama weighs response to North Carolina's LGBT law
The White House is mulling whether and how to respond to a new North Carolina law that would limit the ability of LGBT people to use the restroom and other public accommodations of their choice.
U.S. judge OKs $20B settlement from 2010 BP oil spill
A federal judge in New Orleans has granted final approval to an estimated $20 billion settlement, resolving years of litigation over the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
New York, California pass $15 minimum wage
Moods were festive as governors in both New York and California signed bills Monday gradually raising the minimum wage in each state to $15 per hour, but many economists were less jovial and the California chief executive admits the bill may not make sense economically.
March Sees Record Gun Sales
Gun sales broke records yet again in the month of March.

U.S. Politics
Top Republicans Predict Speaker Ryan Will Be GOP Pick
On the eve of the Wisconsin primaries, top Republicans are becoming increasingly vocal about their long-held belief that Speaker Paul Ryan will wind up as the nominee, perhaps on the fourth ballot at a chaotic Cleveland convention.
Trump's Deportation Plan Would Cost at Least $400 Billion
Presidential candidate Donald Trump's plan to deport all undocumented immigrants would cost between $400 billion and $600 billion and take at least 20 years to implement, according to a report from the American Action Forum.

Christian News
After Shocking Study, Christian Leaders Join to Confront Porn Epidemic
One thousand Christian leaders will meet in Greensboro, North Carolina, this week to tackle the growing pornography epidemic.
Franklin Graham Warns America: 'I Fear That Our End Will Be Near'
Evangelical preacher the Rev. Franklin Graham has warned that much like the decline of the Babylonian empire close to 2,500 years ago, America may also be staring down at its end, unless it turns back to God.
Today's Breaking News
Around the World
Russia Doubling Nuclear Warheads
Russia is doubling the number of its strategic nuclear warheads on new missiles by deploying multiple reentry vehicles that have put Moscow over the limit set by the New START arms treaty, according to Pentagon officials.
Satellite image of red River Nile evokes biblical legend
A newly released satellite image of Egypt's Nile river shows the river colored deep red, bringing to mind the biblical first plague in which the waters of the great river turned to blood.
Obama says world should carry out its end of Iran nuclear deal
US President Barack Obama said Friday that world powers should carry out their end of the Iran nuclear deal and allow companies to do business in the Islamic republic.
IS 'madmen' would gladly use nukes, Obama warns summit
More cooperation is needed to prevent the Islamic State group's 'madmen' and other extremists from getting a nuclear weapon, US President Barack Obama warned Friday as global leaders met in Washington.
Caught between White House and its critics, lawmaker pledges to renew Iran sanctions
The top Democrat handling foreign relations in the Senate says he will endeavor to get Congress to reauthorize Iran sanctions before year's end, a key goal of pro-Israel activists.
Nusra Front, Syrian rebels attack government forces near Aleppo, gain ground
Syrian rebels and the al Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front have mounted an offensive against Syrian government forces and on Saturday took a strategic hill south of Aleppo from government control, a monitoring group said.
Panama Papers: Mossack Fonseca leak reveals elite's tax havens
A huge leak of confidential documents has revealed how the rich and powerful use tax havens to hide their wealth.
Islamic State executes 15 of its own near Raqqa, Syria: monitor
Islamic State has killed 15 of its members in the largest execution of the militant group's security services so far in Syria, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Sunday.
Saudi Arabia executions reach record high as beheadings set to double this year
Saudi Arabia has already executed 82 people this year and is on course to behead twice as many prisoners as it did in 2015, according to new statistics compiled by a leading human rights organisation likely to raise fresh concerns about the UK's close ties to the Kingdom.
Shocking leak exposes corruption, secret accounts linked to Putin, Assad, FIFA
Millions of sensitive documents were leaked from a large and secretive Panama wealth services firm, according to reports Sunday.
Iraqi forces take northern edge of IS-held town
Iraqi forces took the northern edge of the Islamic State-held town of Hit, west of Baghdad, on Sunday in an operation led by the country's elite counterterrorism forces, military officials said.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Hamas and Fatah take tentative steps toward unity
Once again, there are reports of rivals Hamas and Fatah drawing together ahead of an agreement on Palestinian unity.
IAF 'very disturbed by significant rise in ballistic threat'
The Israel Air Force is "highly disturbed" by the drastic rise in the threat of ballistic missiles to Israel, and the ongoing Middle Eastern arms race, a senior air force official said on Sunday.
Steinitz: Israel very prepared to deal with nuclear terrorism
U.S. President Barack Obama urged world leaders on Friday to keep up efforts to safeguard vulnerable nuclear facilities to prevent terrorist groups like Islamic State from getting their hands on an atomic weapon or a radioactive 'dirty bomb.'
Report: German intelligence spying on Netanyahu's office
German intelligence agency BND has reportedly been spying on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Office for several years, German weekly Der Spiegel reported on Saturday.
Israel investing NIS 11 million in LGBT tourism
The Ministry of Tourism is preparing to invest an impressive NIS 11 million to promote LGBT tourism to Israel. The ministry is planning a campaign targeting multiple countries, including many in Europe, that is intended to promote Israel as a liberal country and entice members of the LGBT community to visit.
Star of David found engraved into an ancient Temple arouses bustle in Egypt
Egypt has recently been witnessing a great commotion following the archeological discovery of two Star of David engravings in an ancient Temple in the southern city of Aswan.

Inside the United States
Mississippi lawmakers approve religion bill amid gay-rights protests
A Mississippi measure that would allow people with religious objections to deny wedding services to same-sex couples and provide wide protections for actions decried as discriminatory by gay rights advocates passed the state legislature on Friday.
U.S. military suicides remain high for 7th year
The Pentagon reported Friday that 265 active-duty servicemembers killed themselves last year, continuing a trend of unusually high suicide rates that have plagued the U.S. military for at least seven years.
Marijuana Advocates Protest With Giant Joint Outside White House
Activists who think President Barack Obama has been 'a big zero' on marijuana reform plan, raised a huge, inflatable marijuana joint near the White House on Saturday.
Move to OK commercial drone flights over people
A government-sponsored committee is recommending standards that could clear the way for commercial drone flights over populated areas and help speed the introduction of package delivery drones and other uses not yet possible, The Associated Press has learned.
Calif. legislature approves $15 minimum wage
The California legislature approved a bill Thursday to raise the state's minimum wage to $15 an hour, up from $10. The legislation passed both houses in the state legislature and is now headed to the desk of Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown, who said he would sign it.

U.S. Politics
Clinton 'unborn person' comments anger both pro-choice, pro-life sides
Democratic primary front-runner Hillary Clinton ran afoul of both the pro-life and pro-choice sides of the abortion debate Sunday when she said constitutional rights do not apply to an "unborn person" or "child."
Paul Ryan in Israel dismisses talk of being Republicans' compromise pick
House Speaker Paul Ryan on Sunday rebuffed relentless speculation that he might emerge from Republican infighting as the GOP's presidential candidate, telling The Times of Israel that there were 'lots of reasons' why he hadn't run for president this time, and that he wasn't about to change his mind.
Kasich predicts open convention: 'It's going to be so much fun'
Republican presidential candidate John Kasich said he thinks he has a good chance at a contested convention this summer.
RNC chief Priebus moves to steer Trump away from third-party bid
Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus insists that he doesn't think Donald Trump or any other GOP presidential candidate will make a third-party run if he loses the nomination. But if someone does, the GOP will be ready.

Christian News
India: Attacks continue despite Congressional letter
Despite having received a letter last month from the U.S. Congress requesting that India's prime minister condemn the sectarian attacks on his nation's religious minorities, PM Narendra Modi remains unmoved.
Tennessee Senate Committee Votes to Make Bible State's Official Book
A bill that would designate the Bible as the official book of Tennessee has passed the state's House of Representatives and a Senate committee, and now goes on to another Senate committee for approval.
Funeral of Muslim Shopkeeper Killed for Wishing Christians 'Happy Easter' Attended by Hundreds
Hundreds of mourners paid their last respects at the funeral of Muslim shopkeeper Asad Shah at a mosque in Glasgow, Scotland, on Saturday, days after he was stabbed to death by a fellow Muslim for posting a message on Facebook wishing Christians a happy Easter.