Prophecy News Watch provided by Worthy Ministries

Prophecy News Watch is a service hosted by Worthy Ministries to provide Christians daily news from a Biblical, and yet Prophetic worldview. Our news is gathered by our Christian News Service, Worthy News. For more about our vision for how we assemble our daily headlines, please read, "What is Worthy News?"

Today's Breaking News
Around the World
US, Russia come to agreement on Assad's departure from Syrian presidency
The United States and Russia have agreed to let Syrian President Bashar Assad seek refuge in another country as part of a future political solution regarding the prolonged civil war engulfing his country, the British- based publication Al-Hayat reported Thursday.
World's obese population hits 641 million, global study finds
More than 640 million people globally now weigh in as obese and the world has more overweight than underweight people, according to an analysis of global trends in body mass index (BMI).
Europe turns to the right after terror attacks
The Brussels attacks have given a boost to the far right in Belgium and beyond, and their anti-Islam language is finding a special resonance after another bloodbath by Islamic State extremists.
Senators: Obama Admin to Fund Iranian Terrorism, Missile Buildup
Leading senators are expressing renewed concerns over an Obama administration effort to grant Iran expanded sanctions relief that the lawmakers warn would help fund Iran's global terrorist activities and illicit buildup of ballistic missile technology.
Pentagon Confirms New North Korean ICBM
North Korea has developed a new long-range mobile intercontinental ballistic missile that the Pentagon says moves the country's leader Kim Jong Un closer to the goal of building missiles capable of striking the U.S. mainland with nuclear warheads.
21 Generals Lead ISIS War the U.S. Denies Fighting
In the war against the self-proclaimed Islamic State, the U.S. military is notably short on soldiers, but apparently not on generals.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Israel, PA said to meet on future of security coordination
Israeli security officials met with their counterparts from the Palestinian Authority Wednesday night in Jerusalem to discuss the fate of security coordination between the two sides, Palestinian media reported.
Israeli and Egyptian ministers meet for first time in years
National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Minister Yuval Steinitz met in Washington on Thursday with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry for the first meeting between ministers of the two countries in a number of years.
Despite everything, Abbas tells Israelis, peace is attainable
The Palestinian Authority president reached out to Israel on Thursday, saying he opposes near-daily Palestinian attacks on Israelis and suggesting the violence would stop if the defunct peace process were to resume.

Inside the United States
Dow posts biggest quarterly comeback since 1933
After tumultuous trading in early 2016, two of the three major U.S. averages clawed back to finish the first quarter in the green.
Judge Strikes Down Mississippi's Ban on Same-Sex Adoptions
A federal judge struck down Mississippi's ban on adoption by same-sex couples Thursday -- making the practice legal nationwide.
Virginia trooper killed in shooting at Greyhound bus station in Richmond
A Virginia State Police trooper on a training exercise for a criminal interdiction squad was killed and two civilians were wounded when a man the officer had just begun to question opened fire Thursday afternoon inside a Greyhound Bus Station near downtown Richmond, authorities said.
Economists Say 'Main Street Tax Plan' Would Grow Economy By $2 Trillion
Economists touted the benefits of the Main Street Tax Plan, saying it would expand the economy by $2 trillion in a decade, at an event at the Hudson Institute on Wednesday.
Number of Californians Moving to Texas Hits Highest Level in Nearly a Decade
The number of Californians leaving the state and moving to Texas is at its highest level in nearly a decade, according to data from the Internal Revenue Service.

U.S. Politics
Kasich goes after Trump: He's not fit to be president
Ohio Gov. John Kasich on Thursday declared Donald Trump unfit to be president and warned that if the New York real estate developer wins the Republican nomination, it would put at risk the reelection of Sen. Pat Toomey.
Trump holds 'unity' meeting with Republican Party chairman
Donald Trump met with the Republican National Committee Thursday to talk unity, a day after he dropped an abortion bombshell in their laps.

Christian News
Bible charity vows to continue translation work after murders of four employees
The murders of four translators working to bring the Bible to obscure languages in the Middle East earlier this month won't stop the charity behind the effort from its work, officials said.
Iranian Christian Converts' Right to Seek Asylum Can't Be Denied, EU Human Rights Court Rules
Iranian Christian converts must be granted the right to a fair evaluation of danger by European governments before they can be denied asylum and sent back to the Islamic Republic, the top human rights court in Europe ruled Wednesday.
Today's Breaking News
Around the World
US and allies urge UN action against Iran for missile launches
The United States and three allies are calling for a Security Council meeting to formulate an "appropriate response" to Iran's recent ballistic missile tests which they say were carried out in defiance of a UN resolution and to threaten Israel.
Sign of the Times: 'Temple of Baal' to Go Up in New York, London
A reproduction of the Temple of Baal is coming to New York's Times Square next month as a tribute to the 2,000-year-old original structure that was destroyed by ISIS last year in Palmyra, Syria.
Khamenei says missiles, not just talks, key to Iran's future
Iran's top leader on Wednesday said missiles were key to the Islamic Republic's future, offering support to the hardline Revolutionary Guards that have drawn criticism from the West for testing ballistic missiles.
Pentagon Concerned by Chinese Anti-Ship Missile Firing
China has deployed anti-ship cruise missiles on a disputed South China Sea island and the missiles are raising new concerns in the Pentagon over Beijing's growing militarization of the vital strategic waterway.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Quartet envoys in Jerusalem to work toward restarting peace talks
Envoys from the Middle East Quartet, made up of the US, Russia, EU and UN, met in Jerusalem earlier this week to work on a report it is expected to release in a number of months on the steps needed to create a political environment conducive to a relaunch of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.
You can't make it up. UN names democratic Israel as world's top human rights violator
According to the United Nations, the most evil country in the world today is Israel. On March 24, 2016, the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) wrapped up its annual meeting in New York by condemning only one country for violating women's rights anywhere on the planet -- Israel, for violating the rights of Palestinian women.
Israeli Arabs warn gov't: Razing Beduin settlement is 'declaration of war'
Thousands of Arabs protested across the country on Wednesday to mark the 40th annual Land Day with a major event held in the Negev where community leaders threatened resistance to government plans to destroy an unrecognized Beduin village.
Israel Rejects Effort by Democrats to Launch Legal Probe of Jewish State
The Israeli government on Wednesday pushed back against a new effort by Democrats to pressure the Obama administration into launching a probe of alleged Israeli human rights violations, a move that could threaten U.S. military aid to the Jewish state.

Inside the United States
FBI Investigating Reports Of 17 Men Chanting, Firing Off Shots In Apple Valley
The FBI on Tuesday continued to investigate an incident in which 17 men were detained for reportedly firing off hundreds of rounds in a remote part of Apple Valley.
FDA expands abortion-pill access in states seeking limits
Guidelines the Food and Drug Administration issued Wednesday could expand women's access to an abortion-inducing pill in states that have sought to limit its use.
Most Americans support torture for terror suspects: Poll
Nearly two-thirds of Americans support the use of torture to extract information from suspected terrorists, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll -- a level of support typically seen in countries such as Nigeria where militant attacks are common.
Former intel chief: Record number of spies in U.S.
There are more foreign spies in the United States today than ever before, a former House intelligence chairman said Wednesday.
Terry McAuliffe, Virginia governor, vetoes religious liberty bill
Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe on Wednesday kept his promise to veto a bill that would have allowed religious parishes and wedding vendors to decline service to same-sex couples.

U.S. Politics
Poll: Cruz leaves Trump in the dust in Wisconsin
Ted Cruz has surged to a 10-point lead over a stagnant Donald Trump in next week's Wisconsin GOP presidential primary, according to a survey out Wednesday from the state's most reliable pollster.
Donald Trump stumbles over policy as media presses harder for specifics
Donald Trump threatened Wednesday to impose criminal punishment against women who seek abortions in violation of the law -- then recanted just hours later, as the GOP presidential front-runner continues to try to calibrate his stances with his new political party.
Sanders reportedly left off D.C. primary ballot after Democratic Party error
Washington primary voters may not get to feel the Bern. Because of an error by the D.C. Democratic Party, Sen. Bernard Sanders' name is not on the ballot, according to a report by WRC-TV, the local NBC affiliate.
Federal Judge Grants 'Discovery' in Clinton Email Case
A second federal judge has granted discovery to a watchdog group seeking records from Hillary Clinton's State Department, an unusual move that gives new credibility to claims that State officials intentionally evaded public records laws.

Christian News
Pakistan: 70 Killed, 300 wounded in Easter bombing
At least 70 people have been killed and more than 300 wounded in a suicide bombing targeting Christians celebrating Easter in Lahore, Pakistan.
Only 41% of British 'Christians' say they believe in a Creator while 18% say they do not, new survey shows
Not even half of the British people who identify themselves as Christians say they believe in a Creator while 18 percent say they do not have such a belief, according to a new survey.
Today's Breaking News
Around the World
Russian air force bombing Islamic State effectively, Pentagon concedes
After months of condemning Russia's military incursion into Syria as merely propping up a brutal regime, the Pentagon conceded on Tuesday that President Vladimir Putin’s air force has begun to strike the Islamic State terrorist army.
Top US General: 'No Doubt' Russia Stabilized Syrian Regime
The top U.S. general says he has 'no doubt' that Russian intervention in Syria propped up the government of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.
Putin poised to rake in the rubles with arms deals after testing new weapons in Syria
Russian President Vladimir Putin's military campaign in support of Syrian ally Bashar Assad has not only earned Moscow new clout and prestige in the region.
North Korea fires short-range missile along its coast
North Korea test-fired a short-range missile on its east coast on Tuesday, South Korea's military said, amid heightened tension over the isolated country's nuclear and rocket programs.
Iran Expands Covert Ballistic Missile Program, Dismisses US Sanctions
Iran is covertly expanding an underground network of ballistic missile construction and testing sites, despite new U.S. sanctions aimed at deterring the Islamic Republic's illicit program, which is believed to be focused on the delivery of a nuclear warhead.
Islamic State 'planning attack on Jewish children in Turkey'
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant has made 'advanced plans' to kill Jewish children in Turkey by attacking kindergartens, schools and youth centres, it was reported on Monday.
3-D printing to bring Ba'al arch destroyed by ISIS back to life
A towering arch of an ancient temple to Ba'al in Palmyra, Syria, that has been mostly destroyed by ISIS terrorists will be recreated by a huge 3-D printer and put on display in New York City this spring, officials said on Monday. The institute plans to construct approximately 1,000 such versions of the arch in cities throughout the world.
Russia's Putin, Iran's Rouhani agree to cooperate closely on Syria
The presidents of Russia and Iran agreed on Monday to step up bilateral contacts, including over the Syrian conflict, in which both countries are allies of President Bashar al-Assad.
North Korea propaganda video shows nuclear strike on U.S.
North Korea released a propaganda video on Saturday depicting a nuclear strike on Washington warning 'American imperialists' not to provoke the communist nation.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
ISIS is planning a major attack in Israel
While Islamic State (ISIS) attacks in Europe and massacres in Syria and Iraq have dominated the headlines in recent months, the radical Islamic terror group may be shifting its focus, placing a greater emphasis on Israel and the United States.
Temple Institute Launches Program to Register Priests for New Temple
The Temple Institute on Monday announced a new initiative to identify, select and register kohanim who would be eligible to prepare the Red Heifer, as part of reinstating worship at the Holy Temple in Jerusalem when it is rebuilt.

Inside the United States
Ga. governor yields to corporate pressure, vetoes religious liberty bill
The influence of the entertainment and business lobbies was powerfully felt Monday when Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal knuckled under to a tidal wave of pressure by vetoing a religious liberty bill.
Obama extends cyberemergency, sanctions authority
President Obama on Tuesday extended the national emergency he declared last year on the threat of cyberattacks, which is related to an executive order enabling the Treasury Department to levy financial sanctions on governments, businesses or individuals tied to cyberintrusions on U.S. systems.
Suspect shot, in custody after drawing weapon at Capitol complex, officials say
A gunman was shot by Capitol Police Monday afternoon and later taken into custody, officials said, after drawing a weapon on officers at the tourist-heavy U.S. Capitol Visitor Center -- an incident that sent the Capitol complex and the White House into lockdown.
North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper won't defend transgender law in court
McCrory signed the bill, called the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act, last Wednesday after it was passed by the North Carolina Senate. The law was in response to Charlotte's nondiscrimination ordinance that allowed transgender individuals to use public bathrooms of the sex with which they identify.
States' rights advocates eye convention to bypass Congress, amend Constitution
What if a supermajority of states could override a federal law or Supreme Court ruling? That's just one idea being proposed by advocates of a convention of states to amend the U.S. Constitution.
Pentagon Orders Hundreds of Military Family Members to Leave Turkey
The State Department and Pentagon have issued a departure order to family members of American military personnel and diplomats in Turkey, citing increased threats from terrorist groups.
Planned Parenthood target of state-by-state strategy
Though congressional Republicans' bid to defund Planned Parenthood was vetoed by President Barack Obama, anti-abortion activists and politicians are achieving a growing portion of their goal with an aggressive state-by-state strategy.

U.S. Politics
New National Poll Numbers Show Closest Democratic Race of 2016
After suffering significant losses to Bernie Sanders last weekend in the Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii Democratic caucuses, Hillary Clinton finds herself in a closer race than she perhaps expected after rolling to a series of wins earlier this month.
Super PAC: Trump is in 'full-grade meltdown mode'
A political action committee is pushing back against claims that Ted Cruz's team was behind the idea of purchasing the rights to a picture of Melania Trump from a 2000 GQ photo shoot, and said the Texas senator's campaign was in no way involved in the PAC's use of her likeness in an anti-Donald Trump attack ad.

Christian News
Nigeria: Pastors kidnapped in Kaduna State
Unidentified gunmen last week kidnapped three United Church of Christ in Nigeria clerics in Kaduna State.
Christian translators killed in Wycliffe office raid
Four Christian Bible translators were killed when Muslim gunmen raided the Wycliffe Associates office in the Middle East last week.