Prophecy News Watch provided by Worthy Ministries

Prophecy News Watch is a service hosted by Worthy Ministries to provide Christians daily news from a Biblical, and yet Prophetic worldview. Our news is gathered by our Christian News Service, Worthy News. For more about our vision for how we assemble our daily headlines, please read, "What is Worthy News?"

Today's Breaking News
Around the World
Russia admits special forces 'directing warplanes' in Syria
Russia's elite special forces contingents are active on the battlefield in Syria, directing Russian warplanes, the commander of Russia's forces in Syria admitted in an interview published Wednesday.
Medical experts call for global drug decriminalisation
An international commission of medical experts is calling for global drug decriminalisation, arguing that current policies lead to violence, deaths and the spread of disease, harming health and human rights.
Obama Admin Indicts Iran in Hack Attacks on U.S. Banks, Dam
The Obama administration unsealed a federal indictment Thursday charging seven Iranian government-backed hackers with cyber crimes as the result of multiple attacks in recent years on several U.S. banks and a New York dam, according to officials.
China Hacked F-22, F-35 Stealth Jet Secrets
A Chinese businessman pleaded guilty this week to conspiracy to hack computer networks of U.S. defense contractors and obtain sensitive data on military aircraft that was passed on to China.
Number of terrorists, victims: Mysteries remain 2 days after Brussels attack
Two days after the deadly terrorist attacks in Brussels, investigators are still grappling with key aspects of the bombings, including exactly how many terrorists were involved, how many are still at large and the identity of the victims and the missing.
6 Arrested in Brussels Police Operation after French Raids Foil Planned Terror Attack
Six people have been arrested in a large police operation in Brussels, a Belgian prosecutor said Thursday night, as two suspects in the deadly Brussels bombings remain on the loose.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
UN body to compile blacklist of settlement businesses
The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva approved a resolution on Thursday to gather a blacklist of Israeli and international companies operating directly or indirectly in settlements in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and in the Golan Heights. This list is to be updated annually.
Islamic State explains why it doesn't attack Israel (yet)
The Islamic State terror group published an article explaining why it does not attack the Jewish state, arguing that the Palestinian issue should not get preferential treatment.

Inside the United States
Employers to drop millions from health care plans as Obamacare premiums spike, CBO projects
Obamacare insurance premiums will leap 6 percent a year over the next decade, and companies will drop millions of employees from their health plans as insurers and employers calibrate their offerings for the new marketplace, the Congressional Budget Office said Thursday.
Deficit to rise to $534 billion
The federal deficit will rise to $534 billion for fiscal 2016, the Congressional Budget Office estimated Thursday, nearly $100 billion higher than the year before.
500 days pass without mention of IRS scandal by top networks
A new report found the top three TV networks -- ABC, CBS and NBC -- have not reported on the Internal Revenue Service's alleged targeting of conservative groups in more than 500 days.
Lost emails from Clinton server discovered
Conservative legal watchdogs have discovered new emails from Hillary Clinton's private email server dating back to the first days of her tenure as secretary of State.

U.S. Politics
Ted Cruz: Police need to 'patrol and secure' Muslim neighborhoods
Ted Cruz on Tuesday called for law enforcement to step up their policing of Muslim neighborhoods in the U.S. in the wake of terrorist attacks in Brussels, comparing it to police boosting their presence in areas with known gang activity.
Sanders serves DNC with lawsuit papers
Bernie Sanders' campaign is still suing the Democratic National Committee for $75,000 over access to its voter files, serving the party with papers on Thursday to keep the lawsuit going.

Christian News
Court: Muslim convert to Christianity does have human rights
What sort of dangers would a Muslim face if he converted to Christianity and then was deported to Iran, a nation governed by strict Islamic law? The European Court of Human Rights has ordered Sweden to consider that very question.
Franklin Graham Calls For Prayers for Victims of Brussels Attacks
The Rev. Franklin Graham Thursday called for prayers for the victims of 'these horrific acts of evil in Belgium.'
Today's Breaking News
Around the World
ISIS has sent 400 fighters to attack Europe, officials say
The Islamic State group has trained at least 400 fighters to target Europe in deadly waves of attacks, deploying interlocking terror cells like the ones that struck Brussels and Paris with orders to choose the time, place and method for maximum carnage, officials have told The Associated Press.
Belgium had specific, advance intel on attack sites -- report
Belgian and other Western intelligence services reportedly had advance, highly specific warnings ahead of the deadly terror attacks in Brussels, but failed to respond accordingly.
Obama Admin Engaged in Secret Talks to Pay Iran Nearly $2 Billion
The Obama administration has spent three years engaged in secret talks with Iran that resulted in the payment of nearly $2 billion in taxpayer funds to the Islamic Republic, with more payouts likely to come in the future, according to a recent letter issued by the State Department and obtained exclusively by the Washington Free Beacon.
IDs can be hacked, biometric database authority reveals
A representative of the Biometric Database Management Authority admitted on Tuesday that its identity card database is not secure, acknowledging the potential for database breaches during a debate on the issue in the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee.
ISIS Supporters Celebrate Deadly Attacks on Brussels Airport and Metro
Supporters of the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) celebrated the attacks on Brussels airport and Maalbeek metro station on Tuesday.
Brussels attacks: Two brothers behind Belgium bombings
Two of the suicide bombers who carried out attacks in Brussels on Tuesday have been named as brothers Khalid and Brahim el-Bakraoui, Belgian nationals.
U.S. officials believe more terrorists tied to Brussels attack are at large, plotting new strikes
Western intelligence officials believe there are 'more than a handful' of Islamic State terrorists connected to the Brussels attacks who are still at large and plotting more attacks, a U.S. official told Yahoo News.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Poll: Two-thirds of Palestinians want Abbas to resign
Poll results have been consistent over the past six months and were affirmed Monday: Two-thirds of Palestinians would like Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to resign, after a string of policy failures. Yet the Palestinian leader does not appear to be under palpable domestic or international pressure to step down.
Palestinian FM urges EU to draw line between terror and his people's resistance to Israel
Shooting and stabbing attacks against Israelis are driven by despair over the 'occupation,' Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riyad Maliki told European parliamentarians in Brussels as he condemned the twin terrorist attacks that rocked the Belgian capital.

Inside the United States
Supreme Court faces 4-4 split in Obamacare contraception case
The Supreme Court on Wednesday headed toward a possible 4-4 split over a legal challenge by Christian nonprofit employers who object to providing female workers insurance covering birth control as required by President Barack Obama's healthcare law.
Federal court smacks IRS for blocking Tea Party over political targeting
IRS lawyers were harshly criticized in a federal appellate court decision Tuesday that gave the Tea Party a major victory in a fight over the long-running controversy surrounding IRS targeting of conservative non-profit groups.
Officials say Guantanamo transfers have killed Americans
Americans have been killed by prisoners released from the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, a senior Defense Department official told lawmakers Wednesday, triggering sharp criticism from Republicans opposed to shuttering the facility in the wake of deadly attacks by the Islamic State group in Brussels and Paris.
Disney, Marvel threaten to boycott Georgia over religious freedom bill
Walt Disney Co. and its subsidiary Marvel are threatening not to shoot films in Georgia if the governor signs a religious liberty bill that the opponents say is discriminatory against gays and the transgendered.
Health Insurance Premiums Rising Faster Than Wages
Health insurance premiums have increased faster than wages and inflation in recent years, rising an average of 28 percent from 2009 to 2014 despite the enactment of Obamacare, according to a report from Freedom Partners.
Experts Say U.S. Airports Vulnerable to Brussels-Style Attack
Two of the bombs that exploded in Brussels on Tuesday, part of a terrorist attack that killed at least 31 people and left more than 100 injured, were detonated in a place where the illusion of security masks a growing vulnerability: the airport departure terminal where fliers check in and drop off bags.

U.S. Politics
Clinton and Trump win Arizona; Cruz and Sanders nab Utah
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton each took big wins in Arizona but also big losses in Utah to rivals Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders, respectively, on Tuesday night. Sanders also won Idaho.
Kasich faces GOP calls to exit '16 race
The drumbeat for John Kasich to get out of the Republican presidential race keeps growing louder and louder, but the Ohio governor either doesn't hear it or doesn't want to hear it.
Jeb Bush, establishment embrace Ted Cruz as best hope to stop Donald Trump
Former Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush endorsed erstwhile rival Sen. Ted Cruz on Wednesday, giving Mr. Cruz a further boost just hours after he posted a resounding victory in Utah's caucuses with a stunning 69 percent of the vote.

Christian News
China: Pastor of official church sentenced
The pastor of an official church in Zhejiang Province was sentenced after he dared to criticize Communist authorities about China's ongoing demolition of church crosses.
Kansas Gov. Signs Bill Protecting Religious Freedom of College Faith Groups
Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback has signed a bill into law which allows faith-based groups on college campuses to restrict membership to those who are similarly-minded.
Church of God pastor who oversaw 26 churches murdered in Guatemala
A Church of God pastor who oversaw 26 churches and various missions in Guatemala's Quiche Region has been murdered, according to news reports.
U.S. declaration of Christian genocide in Mideast gives hope and healing to ISIS victims, Iraqi Christian leader says
The U.S. State Department's declaration that Christian persecution by the Islamic State (ISIS) is 'genocide' provides hope and healing to those suffering for their beliefs, according to an Iraqi Christian leader and a human rights activist.
Fears grow for priest 'kidnapped by ISIS' who may be crucified on Good Friday
Fears are growing for a priest believed to have been kidnapped by ISIS as sickening reports suggest he may be crucified on Good Friday.
39 Percent of GOP 'Evangelical' Voters Don't Believe Bible Is Literal Word of God
Nearly four in 10 Republican voters who identify themselves as 'born again' or 'evangelical' don't believe the Bible is the literal Word of God.
Today's Breaking News
Around the World
How ISIS terrorists carried out the brazen Brussels terror attacks that killed dozens
The triple terrorist bombings that killed at least 31 people on Tuesday morning in the heart of Brussels — the European Union's capital - prompted a swift reactions from European leaders, with France's prime minister declaring that "we are at war" and Britain's prime minister asserting that "we will never let these terrorists win."
Brussels, Europe's jihadist breeding ground, now itself under attack
Brussels has become infamous as a hotbed of Islamic extremism because of links to a series of recent attacks in Europe, and now the Belgian capital itself has suffered the worst ever terror attack in its history.
Belgians 'Know They're Sitting on a Time Bomb': Official
Current and former U.S. and European counter-terrorism officials told NBC News that Tuesday's deadly attacks in Brussels raise questions about the ability of Belgian authorities to cope with the scale of the country's terror problem.
Brussels Ridiculed Idea Of Islamic Violence In Ad
In the wake of Tuesday's deadly bombing that killed at least 34 people, Brussels officials may regret an advertisement two months ago ridiculing the idea the city was a center of Islamic radicalism.
Belgium attack: Capture of Saleh Abdeslam revealed extensive network in Europe
The arrest of a jihadist linked to the November attacks in Paris revealed a large network operating in the Molenbeek area, the epicenter of terrorism in Brussels.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Netanyahu: Brussels attacks show it's not the occupation that drives terror
Speaking via satellite from Jerusalem, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the American Public Affairs Committee's closing plenary session that the terrorist attacks Tuesday morning in Belgium highlighted Israel's own struggle against the murderous and extremist imperative of its enemies.
Poll: Most Palestinians support return to an armed intifada
The poll's findings indicate significant changes in attitudes since the second half of 2015. A majority of respondents now back a two-state solution, and support for stabbing attacks has dropped.
Trump promises veto on UN resolutions, stability for Israel
In a wide-ranging speech, presidential candidate Donald Trump promised a 'total veto' of UN initiatives to force a peace framework on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 'dismantle' the Iran nuclear deal, and move the US embassy to Jerusalem.
Netanyahu to AIPAC: UN resolution would kill chance for peace
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday he hoped the United States would continue to reject any move towards a UN Security Council resolution backing Palestinian statehood.

Inside the United States
Belgian Terrorists Can Still Enter US Without a Visa
Leading lawmakers identified Belgium as a hotspot for terrorism months ago and are warning that many of the radicalized individuals living there are still able to travel to the United States without first obtaining a visa and undergoing thorough security checks.
House Speaker: Iran deal legitimized nuclear program
House Speaker Paul Ryan hammered the Obama administration on Monday for the nuclear deal with Iran, telling America's leading pro-Israel group that the agreement legitimized Iran's nuclear program instead of dismantling it.

U.S. Politics
Trump backs waterboarding and a lot more after Brussels attacks
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Tuesday the United States should use waterboarding and other harsh interrogation techniques when questioning terror suspects, and renewed his call for tougher U.S. border security after the attacks in Brussels.

Christian News
Campus Pride calls on NCAA to cut ties with Christian colleges
Campus Pride, an LGBT activist group, is pressuring the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) to cut ties with Christian colleges over their views on transgenderism and homosexuality.